
Moving Out And Income!????

by  |  earlier

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Can anyone help??

(United Kingdom)

Two friends and i are planning on moving out soon (ages 16, 17(almost18) and 21).

Two of us are full-time students and one in employment.

We would be renting somewhere.

Can anyone tell me what we would be able to get to help with financing this (in terms of grants, bonuses and benefits).





  1. OK, students don't have to pay council tax and get some financial leyway, however a non student would likely have to pay.

    There's just no way you can afford to run a house unless you have substantial loans, but even then a student household is normally on a short term basis and I'm wondering where that would leave your friend once you finish your studies.

    I finished uni in 2006 and had a terrible time finding a job - it was a good thing I had moved back home otherwise I would have been in serrious trouble. Even now, with a full time day job, prices are high and the economy isn't helping. Could you not stick it out for another year and save up, perhaps by finding part time employment?

    Bear in mind that if you go ahead with this NOT to go to a student landlord as they are unscruplous and never give back deposits - believe me, i know. Find a residential landlord and try and go privatley to cut out agency fees.

  2. It's called parents - they brought you into this world and feel obligated to support you till you find employment and can afford to move out.

  3. JOBS, being a full-time student isn't an excuse for being unemployed.

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