
Moving abroad: United States vs Europe?

by Guest62902  |  earlier

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My future husband and I are planning to move abroad in a couple of years. We are taking into consideration job opportunities, cost of live and even the weather (since we're from Puerto RicoI.) I'm a teacher and a Translation Studies grad student, my dream is to work at a publishing house; my fiancee is an accountant. We've talked about the United States, London and Spain. I would like some advice, pros and cons between the United States and Europe.




  1. Europe doesn't have enough jobs for their own people

    So it is nearly impossible for a foreigner to get a job.

    Remember the riots in France a couple years ago? NO Jobs, or Immigrants need not apply

  2. Well, given that you're from Puerto Rico, it'll be much easier for you to get a job and work in the mainland United States since you won't need a visa being US citizens. It is somewhat difficult, time consuming and costly to obtain work permits for other countries, especially in Europe.

  3. I wouldn't go to London.  I also wouldn't go to Spain to live.

    The United States is the place to live.  And you both have big options of which State you would like to live in.

  4. Im visiting London right now, and its really expensive to live here and largely overpopulated. Im not sure about spain. i do know it might be easier to get into the states and get work there, again not sure about work visas and how hard they are to obtain. i would be weary about they health insurance and such, heard it wasn't very good. Sorry it wasn't to helpful, i would just not recommend London unless you are supremely wealthy!

  5. I agree with Mark about the work visa. Also the United States is one of the cheapest places to live out of the areas you are looking at.  I would say..

    Pros- United States -cheaper cost of living

    Cons-people are always in a hurry and work is pretty much their life

    Pros-Europe-more relaxed living. People are not in a hurry and from what I hear they get more vacation and time off their jobs than in US.

    Con-Harder to get jobs (work visas) Passports

    Going to the US would be just like moving to another state.  No visas and passports needed.

    Good Luck in your move.

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