
Moving and working in spain malaga???

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going to live and work in spain malaga and know nothing about the place. Whats the place like? What are the people like in that city...anything else i need to know? How much is accommodation in that area? thanks




  1. You don't give very much information about your profession or skill. The city is beautiful but like any other city the recession is having an impact. You don't say if you speak Spanish, I think you should have at the very least a basic knowledge of the language, accomodation varies like any other city. I can only say to you on the information you have given, that Malaga is a great place to live and work  but it's not the easiest at the moment and you need to know exactly what you want do. I wish you good luck and hope you're successful. As a resident of Malaga I will help you if I can.

  2. I rarely disagree with Sue, but on this occasion I do. Most citizens of Málaga City do not speak English. It is the tourist areas around and to the west of Málaga that are pretty fluent in English. As you go east of Málaga there are only a few areas that speak English.

    With respect to your question. Most of what you want to know are the basics you should have found out before making plans to move here.

    Málaga is like many Spanish cities. It is a hectic place to live and work. The traffic is a nightmare during busy times, but can still be a headache when it's not busy. If you are planning to work here you WILL need to learn the language.

    Accommodation like any city is going to be expensive.

    If you are planning to move here then I suggest you come here for an extended holiday and find out everything first hand. There is nothing better than personal experience.

  3. In Malaga you will probably never have to utter a single word in Spanish.  Personally I don't like it at all, but that's just me.  It's a very cosmopolitan place with some very flashy people of all nationalities.  Obviously loads of people absolutely love it so it really depends on your tastes.  Beware who you trust out there, conmen can spot a newcomer from miles. I don't want to scare you but just be on your guard until you settle down.

  4. Actually, I understand you don't really have to speak Spanish in Málaga.  It's all British expats, and those who live and work there, have all learned English to cater to them.  (and you'll find some Germans, too).

    I'm not sure how exaggerated that is.  I haven't been there for a looooooong time, and even then, hadn't spent much time there.

    So, think British.  

    Are you EU? or American?  Do you have work status?  Make sure you know what you are getting yourself into in that department....Americans have a hard time getting those work visas, these days, and even EU citizens are having a harder time finding jobs.

  5. Malaga City is nice.  I've been there a few times.  I suggest you avoid Torremolinos, Benalmadena and the like.  Malaga is a good night out and the spanish people there are the same as everywhere else - a bit difficult to get to know, especially if you don't speak the language.  But you will find the expat community as everyone does and you'll be fine.  Also you will have workmates to socialise with and they may be in the same boat as you looking for somewhere to live.

    I've been living in Spain for a year and speak basic spanish.  So you may not think the language will be a problem but I suggest enrolling in classes and practise as much a possible.

    For a room in a shared flat, you are looking at around 250 euros a month which I think is very reasonable.  Have a look at this website, the ads are in spanish but it is good...

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