
Moving to the UK?

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I live in the US. I want to move to the UK (marry my boyfriend etc). I take medication that they do not sell in the UK. Do you have to change medication or can you get it posted from the states? How does that work?

Links appreciated!




  1. I am pretty sure they can give you some kind of meds that is equal to what you take now,they might even have the same thing.Have your fiance check with a pharmacy in the uk.

  2. Good question, I'm actually considering that myself. I'm not sure if they make my meds over there. However, they may make them under a different trade name. A trade name is the name most folks know a medication by - like Asprin, Prozac, Lunesta, etc. I'd say check the Physicians Desk Reference (I'm sure they have a webpage) for the chemical name of your meds; they may also tell you there if they're available overseas. If it doesn't tell you there, I'd say check the chemical name in some british medical sources.

    Hope that helps!
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