
Mrsa natural cures?

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i have heard that garlic, Olive Leaf Extract, and tea tree oil have all been show to kill mrsa. i was wondering if any one has tried any and got cured. also if there is any other natural treatments i would greatly appreciate any suggestions.




  1. hi try tis page do you find something.

  2. Manuka honey is clinically proven to kill MRSA...

  3. There are many people who have used garlic, olive leaf and tea tree oil rid themselves naturally from MRSA.  A recent study in London (outlined in "The Sun") showed garlic cured 250 people who had MRSA for years and couldn't get rid of it with antibiotics.

    For oils, there's a huge difference in the quality of essential oils out there any most are not pure and therapeutic even though they are labeled as such.  You really want good oils for the very best results and the right type of Tea Tree oil is very effective against MRSA and Staph.

    I found a website with an e-book that covers a great many MRSA treatment options and have found it to be an excellent resource.  It's obvious a lot of time and research went into it.

  4. Bleach kills MRSA and so does alcohol but that doesn't mean go and get drunk!

  5. Interesting.

    I personally think prevention is better than cure and remember that M & S (UK) are doing pyjamas with a special silver lining that is supposed to prevent contracting MRSA.

  6. Colloidal silver has been shown to kill MRSA bacteria. Silver has been used for hundreds of years as a antibiotic, to date not a single case of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to colloidal silver has emerged, as it works by suffocating the bacteria.

    Colloidal Silver is part of the Bob Beck Protocol, google this, watch the video's on google video. This also involves blood electrification, water ozonator and a magnetic pulsar.

    Rife High-tone Frequency Machines, this has been shown to devitalise or kill/inhibit bacteria, see the video's on google video/youtube. GB-4000 and PERL are good rife machines, see for more info, and Rife Yahoo Group.

    Consdier also Oxygen Therapies, like the water ozonator above, MRSA hates oxygen and cannot grow in an oxygen rich body.

    Virgin Cocconut Oil - This contains lauric acid, capryllic acid, and many other medium chain fatty acids, that kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Can be used topically on the skin for localised skin infections, or internally, to rid the gut of such pathogens.

    Oil of Oregano - This is the most powerful antibiotic, more powerful than garlic or Olive Leaf Extract.

    Pau de' Arco - Bark, gros in Mexico, this also kills bacteria/fungi/viruses.

    Gerson Therapy - This was used prior to the discovery of antibiotics, this cured TB. And now is claimed to cure many many diseases, like terminal cancer, multiple sclerosis, and arthitis. Watch: 'Dying To Have Known' by Steve Koshel for more information

    Drink lots of alkali water, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per litre of filtered water. Source: 'The pH Miracle' by Dr. Young, bacteria grow in an acidic body, and hate an alkali environment. Also eat lots of raw organic dark-green leafy vegetables to alkalise the body.

    Join the Yahoo Kefir Making Group, and start making Kefir, this probiotic drink will strengthen your immune system/ gut health, were most of your immune system resides.

    Also drink freshly made orange juice, 25oranges a day, that will make about 2 pints of orange juice. Or 1-2g of magnesium ascorbate powder. This is known in the field of orthomolecular medicine to increase immunity. Some even claim they have never suffered from a cold/flu in years since following the exacting discipline daily.

    Take Vitamin C 1000mg every 4 hours, as Magnesium Ascorbate Powder, this works for colds and flu viruses, by strengthening the immune system, may also work for MRSA.

    A herb called Sutherlandia, which is being used in S. Africa in Hospices with remarkable success with AIDs. It has been shown to increase white blood cell count. Watch BBC-Alternative Medicine Herbs documentery, which shows the herbs being scientifically evaulated by a Professor of Medicine at Bristol University, England.

    Also, look into the MERCK patent, 1946, how to produce Hyperimmune milk. What this invlolves is when the cow is gestating, not yet having produced milk, you inject 10cc of your blood up the teet of the cow's udder, infused not injected into the udder. You do this for 3 consecutive weeks, then when the milk is produced you freeze it in bags, and drink it over the next few months.

    The hyperimmune milk contains various antigens, and cytokines {chemcials that augment the immune system by allowingwhite blood cells to communicate}, once drunk this helps with infections, this technique was made by MERCK Pharmaceuticals, prior to the advent of antibiotics, it is verry useful. Watch Jerry Brunetti's video 'Food As Medicine' on youtube/google video.

    Omega 3 also helps with white blood cell strength. As does Glutamine powder. Look into Gerson Therapy, this increases immunity and fights disease, and more importantly, prevents it.

    Hope this helps

  7. Considering how deadly serious this infection can be, I say the following:  It's fine to use alternative therapies as an adjunct to anything your doctor prescribes, but do NOT use them as a substitute for timely medical care.  MRSA is virulent, and can kill you, quickly.  

    The three you've mentioned above are excellent choices, and I would start with the tea tree, as it's the strongest of the three.  Also look at adding propolis (both internally and externally), myrrh tincture, and taking courses of echinaecea, goldenseal,  astragalus, schizandra, maiitake/shiitake/reishi mushrooms.  Usnea will help as well and is one of the few antibiotic/antiviral/antifungal herbs that is cooling rather than heating.  Comfrey salve will help the skin heal well after the infection is gone.
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