
Msg? food poisening? or allergy?

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last night we ordered take out from the local chinese restaurant. i was a little skeptical of this place. so i ordered the garlic shrimp. i started feeling a little weird, slowly about 3.5 hrs later. i woke from a bad itch on the both my palms. i went into the bathroom and washed my hands. then i felt very hot. then i started itching all over my body. i went into the bathroom again and my whole body was red with hives and my eyelids were really swollen. i went to the emergency room. they gave me a bendadryl shot and some breathing stuff because i suddenly got a bad cough. and this morning i took 2 capsules of bendadryl and thats it. but my right leg and right forearm feels a little sleepy, like tingly. what do you think?




  1. Possibly a shellfish allergy? Those can be rather random.  

  2. You were poisoned by MSG and/or other ingredients that contain glutamate (a neurotoxin). MSG contains 78% glutamate. Check out if you don't believe me.

    Here's some more explanation:

    At least 40% of the American population are sensative, in various degrees, to the neurotoxic chemical "glutamate." Some develop headaches, migranes, aches, depression, sleep disorders and obesity (a growing problem) while others develop Autism, Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases. The health effects coming from glutamate toxicity not only can take up to 2 days to show up, but it's CUMULATIVE. In other words, you may not truly suffer from its effects until you're much older in life.

    Did you know that there's over 75 ingredients that contain the neurotoxic chemical called "glutamate" (which is also in MSG) present in everyday food/beverages and even hygiene products? Companies use those ingredients to trick your brain into thinking that the product tastes very sweet or saltier rather than any of the disgusting flavors that are really there. However, companies refuse to measure the amount of glutamate and to label its existence, so you'd never know it's in there unless you know of all the 75 neurotoxic ingredients. Also, the FDA considers MSG and the 75 glutamate-containing ingredients as NATURAL even though they can't be found directly from nature.

    "Why do companies add these ingredients to their products?", you ask. Not as preservatives, but as cheap FLAVOR ENHANCERS that trick your brain into ignoring any bad flavors/tastes/smells the product might have. Toothpaste has it, too, of course and most shampoos have "hydrolized" oils which contain unspecified amounts of glutamate.  

    (REMINDER: The "free processed" glutamate contained in those 75+ ingredients is much more potent than the "naturally bound" glutamate that you would find in tomatoes, for example, or parmesan cheese.)

    4 of those 75 neurotoxic ingredients are "citric acid" (very often comes from corn, not lemons/oranges), "malted barley flour" (or anything malted), "Natural Flavor/flavoring", and the ingredient "broth". These ingredients are even in so-called healthy products found at Whole Foods Market.

    What will it take for the average person to know that calling most snacks and all fast food JUNK is a euphamism when it's really a POISON with neurotoxic ingredients that can pose a serious harm to many people, both in the short term and long term. When will we all admit that the FDA can't be trusted to properly and safely regulate food/beverages and drugs?

    What will it take for the average American to not only READ ingredients but to INTERPRET them so that they don't purchase/consume products with all those 75 neurotoxic ingredients? When will people wake up and realize that, even though life expectancy is on the rise, the average person's health is deteriorating, especially later in life?

    Please check out these sources, start asking questions and, as always, speak your mind and spread the word:,,, the books Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, The Slow Poisoning of America, & Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life.

  3.   I think this is a shrimp reaction.  You can develop it at any time in your life.  

       I think you need to take this exact description you've written up to your doctor.  He can run a blood or skin test to make sure.

      Good luck & avoid any future shellfish food.

  4. MSG, or Monosodium Glutamate is a salt of the amino acid - Glutamic Acid (glutamate).  A salt is the chemical name for a molecule held together by opposite charges.   Basically one (mono) sodium atom is "stuck" to the amino acid glutamate.

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