
Multi-Vitamin Advice?

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Dear Vegans,

I recently received a Vegan multivitamin produced by Deva called "VEGAN MULTIVITAMIN & MINERAL SUPPLEMENT"

What I would like to know is if this vitamin is safe to take once per week or two weeks. There's a high concentration of certain vitamins and I don't want to over inundate. I am eating a fairly balanced diet, so I probably only really need the B12 and maybe the Iodine.

Vitamins A and D2 . . . 100%

C . . . 250%

E . . . 167%


1 . . . 833%

2 . . . 735%

3 . . . 250%

5 . . . 250%

6 . . . 625%

12 . . . 1332% (seem a little high for a daily?)

Folic Acid, Iodine, Selenium, Manganese, Chromium, and Molybdenum . . . 100%

Biotin . . . 25%

Calcium . . . 10%

Magnesium . . . 5%

Copper . . . 50%

Other ingredients with no %DV are Boron, Choline, Inositol, Lutein, PABA, Citrus Bioflavinoids, Pectin, Betaine Hcl, Afaalfa Medicago Sativa, Chamomile Matricaria Recutita, Rose Hips Rosa Canina, Rutin, Parsley Petoselinum Sativum, and Acercola Extract Malphighi Giabra





  1. Wow, I take the exact same vitamin that you have there and on the package it states that it's a daily multivitamin.  Mine is the iron free variety.  

    The vitamin A and E counts are a little high and there are conflicting reports on whether it's okay to take a vitamin containing A and E but I haven't had a problem whatsoever.  I take the pill about once every two days.  You can't overdo it with the B vitamins because your body will just eliminate any of it that it can't use.

    Taking it once a week will be fine.  If you are really only concerned with B12 and Iodine, you can take separate pills that would only give you those vitamins.

  2. B12 is water soluble which means it doesn't really matter how much you take, you're just gonna pee out what your body doesn't use. It's also unlikely that you're going to over-dose.

    Iodine is a bit trickier, I've seen both water soluble and fat soluble versions (the fat soluble ones stick in your body and can be overdosed on much more easily). Generally I've found out that Iodine isn't that water soluble, which doesn't make much sense to me..but anyways

    If you're eating a pretty good range and getting vitamins and minerals you're probably fine and don't need the multivitamin.

    Pretty much you don't need to take them unless you're really low on your intake or are deficient.. But also when they make the guidelines on how much, they leave a very large margin for error.

    You don't want too little for obvious reasons, but too much can be pretty counterproductive.

    A lot of people waste their money on vitamins.

    some of them find a placebo effect with it...They think they're doing better even tho the vitamins aren't doing anything, haha.

    Personally, I think you're fine. However, if you're extremely concerned you should probably go to a nutritionist to get it settled. Peoples' bodies use different levels of vitamins and minerals and don't always need the full recommended amount.. or sometimes they need more..

    Most healthy people don't follow it to a T anyways, as long as you're eating well then you shouldn't need it.

  3. I don't see why anyone needs more then 100% of anything.  Besides that, there are many food options for vegans that have B12.  Don't forget that your body stores B12 and it takes 5 years to deplete it.

  4. If you are concerned, you can take it once every couple of days or so. Once a week would be fine too.

    High doses of Vitamin A are toxic, and personally I would take the supplement once every 2/3 days or so.

    Apres vous is correct, B vitamins are water soluble, and as such they are not stored, (unlike B12 which goes against the 'water soluble' rule). Any excess of a water soluble B vitamin is eliminated from the body through urination.

    Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine taking it once every few days. Vitamins A, E & B12 are stored and do not need to be topped up each day. You liver stores them, and will take what it requires from storage.

    Good luck.
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