
Mum and stolen ipod?

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My six year old daughter took her ipod to school for 'show and tell.' After showing it, she put it in her teachers office, adjacent to the classroom, for safe keeping. Another mother who was in the classroom to help for a while put her 4y.o daughter in the teachers office to play. At the end of the day when the teacher went to collect the ipod, it was gone. Another student had seen the little girl listening to the ipod. Yet another student, as he was walking to the school gate, saw the same girl with the ipod and her mother. He ran over and said "that's Amy's ipod." The mother said it wasn't. It seems like an extraordinary coincidence! Anyway, it happened on the last day of school before easter holidays, so I haven't had a chance to talk to the other mother yet. Which is good, because I don't really know how to go about it! I still have the box the ipod came in which has a serial number, and obviously I know the songs that were on it. How do I confront her?




  1. Confront the lady face, to face. Remember that she is the one who did wrong, not you.

    Dont accuse her, just tell her about the situation and check for he number. If she refuses to show the ipod, it is obvious she is hiding something and you might want to hint accusing her. If she lets you check the number and it matches , take it! (Horrayyyy) If it doesnt match, apologize, tell her that you are very sorry and leave

  2. i would speak to the teacher about the problem first, especially since you arent sure how to handle it. maybe if the teacher contacts the other mother she wont get as defensive about it as she might if you do it. see if the teacher can kind of mediate the problem. if that doesnt work, confront the mother yourself, like others suggested. just make it sound like kids being kids, "my daughter's ipod came up missing, ive been asking around about it to see if one of the other kids took it by mistake?" if she wont admit to having it, and you're sure she does, call the cops. sounds extreme, but the other mother should have set the problem straight, not let her daughter get away with stealing it. and they can check to see if the serial numbers match and return it to your daughter.  what im wondering is why the teacher allowed the girl to play in there unsupervised? that seems odd.

  3. Wow...I would call the mother and explain how heartbroken your daughter is about "losing" her Ipod. I would then ask if she could check with her 4 year old to see if she knows anything, since she was in the office with it last. Give her the opportunity to call you back...allows the chance to save face by "finding" it in her 4 year old's possesion....Good Luck.

  4. That's why you don't give a 6 year old an iPod and then let her take it to school to brag about it.

  5. i would never buy my 5 yr old daughters an ipod, or LET them by their own, much less take it to school to just look like a brat

  6. I would have not allowed a 6 year old to bring something that is worth over $10 to school.  I suggest requesting  a meeting with the principal and the mother of the little girl after the principal gets to talk with the witnesses.

  7. I wouldn't let a 6 year old have an iPod! They are not responsible enough to take care of them! I would talk to the woman and her child and wonder why the h**l a 4 year old would have one. Ask her what songs and things are on there (you know, it's almost certainly your daughter's) and check it. Take the box with the serial number on it to her and tell her "Hey, I think you've got my kid's iPod. Let me please check to see what it is. I have the serial number".
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