
Murders in my city?

by  |  earlier

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how would i found out about murders and where they took place in the city i live in? I really wanna know if anyone died, or was murdered in my house.




  1. Go to and in the search box type in:

    MURDER RATE IN (your city)

    Example, I looked up the murder rate in my city...

    I typed in: Murder rate in Houston, TX

  2. I just stumbled across your question, and I would love to know that kind of stuff as well. I'm sorry that I don't really have an answer for you. The only suggestion is to log onto the local police department website, and do a search for your address and history of crimes. Here in Arizona at we can put our zip code in and it will tell us a crime report history. It doesn't get too detailed but it'll say stuff like "Domestic Violence" or "Car theft" or something like that.

    You might just be able to contact your local police department for a history report.

    Good luck though!
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