
Muscle affecting b.a.c.?

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to what extent does muscle affect your tolerence for alcohol? I know it affects it to some extent. Something about more water and blood or something. I would defenitely consider muscular (I weigh 173 and bench 275 at 5'8")




  1. I've heard that with more muscles, you have a somewhat higher tolerance.  It would take longer for the alcohol to absorb through your body, or there's just more blood to dilute the alcohol, thereby lowering your BAC.

    To what extent... I honestly don't have an accurate answer, but I would be surprised if it was more than a couple points compared to a normal person (ie, if someone were built normally, and had a 0.10 BAC, if a muscular person was under a 0.08, I would be surprised).

    Not to mention that how frequently you drink also affects your tolerance, more than how much muscle you have.  That, and alcohol is supposed to destroy your muscles.  My weight lifting friend doesn't drink much for that reason; he gets buzzed on 3 or 4 Mike's hard lemonades over a couple hours, even though he's about 220lbs.

    If you were hoping to do a lot of shots to impress someone, you'll still end up sick ;)

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