
Muslim Philosopher Al Kindi question?

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Regarding this book by Al Kindi published in Cairo:

Al-Kindi 1948: Kitab al-Kindi ila al-Mu`tasim bi-llah fi al-falsafa al-ula [Epistle of al-Kindi to al-Mu'tasim bi-llah in First Philosophy], ed. Ahmad al-Ahwani (Cairo).

Is this in the Arabic language, presumably, and if so, does anyone know of any English translation.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Assalamualikum lotus, I remember your questions and answers from last year- welcome back to Egypt section, I noticed you asked a few questions that I had missed.

    Anyway I dont know if you have tried these methods but here goes-

    Call The Islamic foundation and if its a book in the UK and not in a private collection they may have it or know where to get it- if you havent ever visited Markfield its well worth a day trip-

    Tel1: 00 44 (0)1530 249 230

    Tel2: 00 44 (0)1530 244 944

    or   and search the book collection

    or and search the book collection or call them using the dailing numbers from

    or  and contact the bookshops- there should be a list in there- I would call them rather than looking on websites- i once found some old ibn khaldun books from searching a shop in leicester- after reading them - I sold them for 4 times the price I had paid for them.

    and if you still cant find it please send me a message so I can facebook and e-mail contacts that may know

    It will be in Arabic but more often than not there will be some one translated it into English


  2. Is he famous in the world?

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