
Muslim girls/women?? Answer this please?

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If you had a 13 year old daughter would you let her makeup....

if yes, what kind?




  1. No. That's too young. If she starts wearing a bit of make-up at 13, by the time she's 15, she will look like she's going to a party when going to school! So, no, no, no, no, nooo.

    I'm 15 and only wear eyeliner and a bit of mascara. Thats it.

  2. only 14 and not allowed 2 wear anything but lipgloss....

  3. kind of.only mascara and lip gloss that's it.mayb no mascara and lip gloss juz cream for her face.

  4. sure no still so young i'm 18 and don't put make up

  5. Well im 15. I've been begging my mom for make-up since i started high school, but she said no, and now im a sophmore and still no make-up

    13 is too young maybe enering high school i will let her. Wear light make-up with clear lip-gloss and eyeliner mascra or whatever she wants

  6. well at 13 i wore a bit of lipstick but make sure its skin toned color or get her a nice lipgloss!!

  7. Oh nooo, not good for her skin. she is still so young.  

  8. I would say no... I think its too young...

  9. Nah, way too young. I'm 14 and still don't wear makeup. honestly when I'm at school and see girls with makeup - i find it HIDEOUS. Chapstick or a light gloss should be fine for her. Personally, my mom lets me wear makeup on very special occasions such as weddings, graduations, big get-togethers, and more.. (i cant list them all, cuz i forgot haha) but anyway, she still has her whole life! She shouldn't rush it by ruining her youthful face with chemicals... Dont just say "no you cant wear makeup!" lol try to explain it to her... it helps a lot and (hopefully) your daughter understands. I wish ya the best of luck!

  10. only lipgloss and cream lol

  11. May be lip gloss but don't let her wear foundation yet . I didn't start wearing makeup until like 3 years ago but as I got older I learned what was good for my skin.Now I wear makeup and I love it. If you  do let her wear makeup then less is more. You don't want her looking like a hooker.Hope I helped :)      

  12. I myself dont wear much make up and I wouldnt really let my daughter wear full make up if i had a 13 year old. But i guess if its something she really really wants to do then maybe let her wear some kohl and a tinted lip gloss.  

  13. No I wouldn't, at that age she should not be worrying about dolling herself up and drawing attention from opposite members of s*x.

    I would tell her to focus on her Deen and her eductaion.

  14. In Islam a woman (your 13 year old included) should not wear make up in the public. Women are allowed to wear make-up as a way of appear more attractive to their husband. She is too young to be married, why would you allow her to use make up and appear older. Its another case if she have lots of blemishes or dark spots, so she could use concealer and foundation to boost her self esteem.  

  15. Nope, I wouldn't unless she has really bad pimples n needs a concealer/foundation but then I would take her to a dermatologist to treat her acne but other than that no way cause she's obviously wearing it for some guy she has a crush on. If it's like a big party then I might let her do her hair or whatever but not makeup cause 13 year-olds have no reason to wear anything cause they'll look older n pervy guys might try to hit on them lol i dunno but h**l no something tells  I'm gonna be a very protective mommy lol  

  16. no, too young

  17. No.

    There is no reason for 13 year olds to go around wearing make up. They are still children at that age.

  18. Peace..

    No woman should wear makeup because it brings attention...Would you like ur 13 yr old daughter attract other small boys? now when u let her wear it now she will wear it until she knows when to stop which could be when she is 30 or 40. Do not let her have a habit of makeup, also it is forbidden to attract. No man deserves to look at ur beauty apart from ur husband, and no man deserves to look at ur daughters beauty apart from her future husband.

    Moreover, the makeup people use will damage ur skin, and when young girls start to wear makeup they get addicted to it, that they always need to wear it when they go out. I will tell u the truth, The only people that wear makeup are people that think they are ugly, or they are not proud of what allah has given them, So therefore those people have an ugly heart as they are covering the real beauty that allah has given them by putting on makeup. Wearing Makeup covers true beauty.


  19. I would not want her to wear it to school. A lot of girls have interest in makeup and its better not to restrict too much otherwise she might rebel and just use her friends makeup once she's at school. Better you explain to her, she is beautiful without it and give her some moisturizer and lipgloss so she has something to use. You can divert her attention from makeup by showing her how to take care of her skin, using homemade fruit masks. This will be good quality time for the both of you also :)

  20. not really, may be a little lip gloss is fine ~!

  21. my 12 year old sister wears a little bit of make up, just lip gloss and sometimes different coloured eye shadow, not to much though

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