
Muslim unity Question?

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can u tell me how all Muslims can unite when arabs think they are better then the ajamis, which they are not then the ajamis




  1. Until Allah forces the end of this world..the violence islam puts forward will increase... the disuinty will increase..the evil will increase, the diseases will increase, the calamities on the world will increase.  

    There is NO unity to be had.. until ( read fatah ul bari )

  2. Sunnis, Shias, Arabs, Pakistanis, Ishmaelies, Agakhannis, all Muslims are indeed uniting as they are accepting Imam Mahdi and Messih, Hazrat Ahmad (as).  It truly is a beautiful thing, alhumdolillah.

    Search "revival of faith" on youtube.

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. I agree with Salman  

  4. Be Muslims instead of Arabi or Ajami.;...

  5. Yup there would be NO differences in Muslims at arrival of Mehdi(af) Inshallah but this is not fair if its so!

  6. Hey very well said ! I think if we all want to be ONe Ummah then Arabs shud quit Their Arrogant behaviour Towards Ajamis !

  7. All Muslims should be Equal!!

    when Mehdhi comes, we will be united!!

  8. i hope they unite too&stop fighting,it will happened 1 day inshallah no body

    knows when..

  9. Making generalized statements does not prove any point whatsoever. Your question only creates hostility. Do you really think God would approve of such a question?

  10. arabs can never over come hypocrisy and disbelief 9:97-101

    why ? because Allah Allmighty say so and the verses of Glorious Quran will always be VALID  till the day of judgement,,Arabs will remain as such till the day of judgement.

    how can you become united or even think of it when each of you is practicing sunnah of your own kind ,,when you are divided by your own statute book called hadith,when your kalimah/shahadah is different ,whenyour salat is different,when your imams spreads hate,when you are instilled that your imams were/are ultimate and infallible,when you call each other kafir,and when you reject Verses of Glorious Quran over hadith fabrications,,when each of hadith book represent different Muhammed,where as Muhammed represented in Glorious Quran is different from hadith books,when you unkowingly ignorantly believe Glorious Quran is Not Detailed Incomplete and Imperfect,when you believe that Muhammed deviated from Glorious Quran,untill then you will and CAN NOT BE united it is indeed a FAR CRY

    @@ i love skiing... why cant you make an effort to be united why throwing every thing  on mehdi,an imaginary character in hadith books

  11. Good luck.

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