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Hi, i haven't been a muslim long (last night actually), and i need to know how to do my daily prayers.





  1. Since you have just adopted a new faith, I suggest you find an Islamic religious teacher (nearest to you) to teach and explain to you all the basic rudiments of Islamic practices. You're merely looking at one of the 5 pillars of Islam. You need to learn and appreciate the other 4 pillars as well, namely:_

    a) The Shahadah (i.e. a personal pledge "that there is only one God (i.e. Allah) to be worshiped, and the Muhammad, pbuh, is His Messenger),

    b) Fasting (Or Saum) throughout the month of Ramadhan, which is due any day now),

    c) Alms tax (or Zakat) for the poor and the needy, and

    d) The pilgrimage to Mecca (the Hajj) once in a lifetime.

    The 5 Daily Prayers (or the Solat) make up the 5 pillars of Islam, and this forms the backbone of the 5 pillars. It is impossible to guide you over this Yahoo Answers. Besides, it might just bore the others on YAs.

    There are many things to learn (right from basics) as far as the solat goes. You have to know the principles, and the various rules and ways of performing the solat. I shudder to think that you may end up adopting this new faith just in name but never in essence. Good luck and congratulations for having chosen the right path! May Allah bless and further guide you!

  2. kill yasef NOW!!! god isent real and sorry if it afends you sorry

  3. contace me at

    I m a muslim . i will talk with you.

    Remember dont listen to bad people . God guides righteous people . Islam is bound to prevail . Welcome to the religion . Try this link :

  4. why did you change your religion to Muslim?

  5. Ussalamu Alaykum and Congratulations!  Praise be to Allah for opening your heart to the truth!  You need to find an Islamic school or at least a learned Muslim to show it to you.

  6. Allah forgive me.

  7. Your an Idiot!

  8. First you should  learn  the  Arabic language  you  can chat with me  or send a message  at

    then  you  keep  some (sowar) in the Holy Quran

    to pray  there's  5 prayers in the day the.......

    look this site should  help  you

  9. make sure your all clean ur body nd clothes  

  10. Alhamdullilah.

    Well, firstly, it all depends on which sect (if not original) of Islam you've converted to. For the original Islam (also the right one as I believe), whose followers are known as Sunni muslims, it gets slightly more complicated.

    You see, as Muslims there are four ways of reading your prayers (called Salaath in Arabic -the Islamic language). Although all four ways are correct you must choose one way and follow that way for the rest of your life (there are some exceptions according to the Islamic rules). Each way of reading is based on one of the four Imams that Sunnis follow. For example, in the South East, Sunni Muslims are dominantly Hanafis (which I myself am).

    As hanafi Sunnis we have a particular way of reading our prayers. The most essential part, however, is that these prayers MUST be read in Arabic (most of it is memorizing a few Arabic versus which are then recited while you pray) -note that you DO NOT have to know the Arabic langage to read your  prayers.

    Knowing this, the particular method of reading Salaath itself is slightly complicated for beginners and hard to explain via this message Answer.

    'The best way I would recommend is to check out your local Sunni mosque and read behind the Imam (the one who leads the prayers and everyone reads behind). This way, you'll gradually learn and I'm sure the Muslim community will help teach you about Islam itself as well.

    Another thing for new Muslims to understand nowadays is the reality behind all the Islamic discrimination that has become popular in the recent years. In truth Islam DOES NOT promote terrorism, and etc. Infact it stresses on the importance of good conduction and fulfilling everyone's rights (for example, your parents, relatives, teachers, neighbors, and etc.)

    Anyways, here are some informative ( and correct) sites that should help teach you your prayers and other Islamic essentials:

    If you need any more help, feel free to contact me about it.

    Hope I was able to help you out.



  11. First you lay on your belly, take off your vest bomb and face mecca and do this five times a day, until you are called to go Ba Boom.

  12. don't listen to these people who's religion preaches hate.  I'm glad you found your path and I hope you are happy the rest of your days and that you are able to make the journey to Mecca soon, I'm sure it's a wonderful experience.

  13. LOL they all fell for it, but if not take the learned advice of patrick.

  14. Welcome to Islam, this is a very great beginning since tomorrow is the first day of Ramadan.

    God bless you.

    Please follow the link. Hope it’s clear to you

    Ignore what bad people say!..

  15. Here is how you pray...  JESUS I am sorry for making such a silly decision to be a muslim.. Please forgive me and come into my heart. I dont want to blow myself up or pray to demons.Thank you for stopping me from making a terrible mistake.

       God bless you, I will pray for you.

  16. Masha Allah what wonderful news. Hope this helps and welcome, welcome, welcome :) From your sister in Islam.

    Look at all these ignorant haters, get used to it its very common round here anyway. Go to Holidays, then click on Ramadan many more Muslims there to advice you there, Insha Allah.

    Allahu Akbar!

  17. I'm not a Muslim but most places with large Muslim populations have a mosquette, as I call it, where you can render your prayers at convenient times.  
You're reading: Muslims???????????????

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