
My 2 daughters got lice?

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hi all:

my 2 daughters got lice, I could not believe it my older daughter went to camp and after a week or so I saw something suspicious on her head and as soonest I checked her head I saw lice. I got scared because I had that as a child and I suffered a lot when I had it. And to see it on my daughter it was just devastating becasue I have always been careful that she was not exposed to that and now my little one has it too. I tried those over the counter remedies 2 expensive brands aand none have worked. please any ideas let me know






  1. Lindane shampoo or lotion. Apply before bedtime. Treat all the people in the household especially the children.

  2. Here's one to try hun, takes ages, but it works, cheap bottle of conditioner, de-lousing comb.

    Apply thick layer of conditioner to the hair, leave until almost dry. Groom with de-lousing comb. Afterwards try using Tea tree oil around the hair line ( louses don't like it & will stop re-infestation ) or just buy the tea tree oil & add a few drops into their shampoo bottle.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  3. mayonnaise  

  4. Don't forget once you have used the product to treat the lice, you also need to make sure that all bedding, stuffed animals, real animals and any other cloth items that they come into contact with is cleaned. Lice can lay eggs on any of those items.

    Good luck getting rid of it! I lost my favorite teddy bear when my sister got lice... :(

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