
My 2 year old is poorly!?

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Its not an emergency so just thought id see what your thoughts or experiences were. My daughter is 2,she has been quite badly sick 3 times so far today, she seems fine in herself still hyper etc im just going to give her som calpol but anything else i can do?

I resorted to water and toast only but even thats just come back up and now she is only on water.

also when should i start to get worried. Also anyone have any tips n best way to clean it up???? to get rid of any lingering smells i mean?





  1. If she throws up even water, let her belly rest for an hour or two before offering anymore liquids. You are right to be giving her water so that she does not get dehydrated. If there is no fever or any other signs or symptoms of anything, she most likely just has some sort of virus.  

  2. Stick with the B.R.A.T diet-bananas rice applesauce and toast. Monitor for signs of dehydrations, and keep offering fluids. Diluted fruit juice may go down quicker.

    Vinegar is a universal cleaning staple in our house. Safe to use, and the strong smell will mask the odor (and not linger too long either.)

    Good luck

  3. If she isn't  lying about and crying or vying for your attention and acting normally then she probably just has a bug. It should pass within 24 hours.  If she is still being sick tomorrow then i would give her doctor a ring just to make sure.

    make sure she gets plenty of fluids, juice, water, ice lollies. The best thing to do is starve her stomach, so keep to the  fluids so she does not get dehydrated.

    as for the cleaning and the smell which is nasty lol

    have a few towels handy as you can bung them in the wash at 90 degrees. also if you have some bicarbonate of soda, sprinkle that over the area and it will hopefully get rid of the smell.

    good luck.

  4. call her doctor

  5. Its probably a 24 hour bug, gastro or something. If she wont keep down water, try lemonade ice blocks. because she is sucking slowly, she is getting more fluids and more likely to keep it down.

    To get rid of the smell, try vinegar and bi carb soda :)

    Dont stress about her, as long as she is not dehydrated, she will be ok :)

  6. Sometimes water in its self will keep things coming up. I don't know why that is.  Try  pedialite (sorry about the spelling) or try watering down some sprite and give that to her. You should sanitize everything that way if is a bug she doesn't catch it again. Use diluted bleach for that it kills everything.  that will also help with the smells.  

  7. You need to make sure you get some fluids into her, and I would probably call her doctor. If she gets sick too many times without getting some fluids into her she could become dehydrated. One test I was told about was to pinch some skin on the arm or leg when you let go it should snap right back, if it doesn't be careful of dehydration. I had a niece who kept getting sick and she had to go to the hospital to get fluids, then my brother ended up getting fluids also because he kept getting sick.

  8. Just keep an eye on her temp, keep the fluids going in, and sprinkle baking soda on any mishaps to absorb everything and get rid of smells. If it persists for more than 2 days, a visit to the doctor is recommended.  

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