
My 6 year old issues?

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she is very friendly with men and she just don"t care what i have to say, she always wants to be in the middle of my conversations wit other adults, she is my middle child andshe is really drivin me nuts! its only when she is around other people . why is she like this? does she need any psycologist hel?




  1. idk

  2. It's the middle child curse! lol

    tell her how u feel...make her understand

    and she's just showing  off

    just relax..

  3. She is trying to get attention from you....its the middle child syndrome...she doesn't need help from a psychologist, just try to spend more time with her and I'm sure she will calm down. Good luck!!

  4. I was exactly like that as a middle child. Stop blaming her and look at you and her father's behavior before it's too late. What does her pediatrician and/or teacher say? Is she having any problems at school? Does she have a good male role model? Does she get sufficient or better attention from her caregivers? Before you get really defensive, take a good hard and honest look at yourself first.

  5. Try to keep her around her age more like if she is connected with kids in her class try to keep her busy or away when your talking to adults.

  6. No she is just being a kid. Most children go through fazes of rebellion. Most likely she wants to act like you and talk to the big people like you do. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    Just keep in mind that she is only 6.

  7. Maybe she just wants more attention, if you feel it is disrupting your life, have her meet with a counselor a few times to have her assessed, I would hate to see a 6 year old put on medication so make sure to look at all possiable alternatives.  Good luck.

  8. Here is a fact ....the middle child always wants Attention

    Read this....Please  ^_^

    They need attention cause they feel like they are being ignored and thats why they act like that......Trust me I used to be like that too when i was younger.....Its Normal...Don't worry too much about it...and she is only 6 so she will grow out of it so pay more attention to her and things will work out just fine..

  9. it may come from needing more attention exp. if she doesn't get it from her father (maybe) i would just start doing more with her 1 on 1 to help give her the xtra attention she is showing that she needs-if u send her to therapy i think it lables (her to herself) that something is wrong with her when actualy it is normal

  10. discipline

  11. so i dont get it.......... is she 6? if she is YES she neds serious help but i am not too sure i get it

  12. its normal for the middle child to try and get attention. Its hard for them to have the 'baby of the family' and also the 'older responsible one'. just give her more attention. take it from one who knows. also just talk about it with her.

  13. You need to let her know the difference between adult conversation and children's conversation. Got to let her know that she is not an adult and this is not appropriate until she gets older. My 9yr tried the same thing and I had to let her know that, sorry Honey, but mommies talking now and you need to go play.

  14. I think this question can be answered at this site :

  15. You need to nip that in the bud quick!  Although you don't want your kids to be paranoid of the world around them they must understand that evil exists.  Not everyone is trustworthy and a precocious 6 year old can ignite nasty thoughts among men and sexual perverts.

    Teach your child manners (they should have been taught long ago, however, better late than never).  They should be respectful of others and not interrupt adult conversations.

    Be straight and honest with your kid and they'll respect you.

  16. she just wants attention, she may feel deprived, as often middle children feel this way, try planning a weekend for just the two of you do something special and ask her opinion on things first

  17. She is striving for attention, mama! Don't bring in a psychologist just talk to her. She is you middle child try to make time to focus YOUR attention on just her.

  18. Be patient with little girls, they WANT to be in the center of attention so just tell them what you are doing and talking about.See how she responds and take it from there.

  19. From personal experience she is for some reason craving one to one attention and interaction from you. Make some time for just the both of you and once you have her relaxed explain that you will always be there for her and be there to hear her and listen to her but it is important she dosen't interupt you during conversations with other people but wait for you to finish.

    She is just like a normal 5-6 yr old. Have one so I know!

  20. Thats very normal of your child to do that. Kind get hyper and excited when around people. its sumhting diffrent for them. If she doesnot listen to you then try sit down with her and talk about hthose things she did wrong or which she didnot obey or refused to listen to you.

  21. Having a child speak with a psycologist is not a bad thing.  There might be something bothering her that she doesn't want to tell you.  Call the school phycologist they will help you.

  22. she wants attention
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