
My 9 month old can say....?

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My baby girl has just turned 9 month and she can say mama dada her little sisters name which is kadie but she says adie soo cute she also says hiya baba and dog dog.... my question is she advanced for her age or normal? Also she has started pulling her self up on furniture and in her cot is this about right for her age? Thanx x*x




  1. Sounds about right. Our son learned to pull up at nine months and can say mama,  dada, night night, dog, ga ga (grandma), book (which sounds like ook), nana, he's said cow and duck one time each but we couldn't get him to repeat them.  

  2. This is about the age they do these things, My 8 month old says bye bye (and waves) and mama, dada, Cat (she cant say the name Monti! lol) and she crawls around and pulls up on your legs, the couch, toys or whatever she can get a good grip on. and be careful with the cot my daughter climbed out of hers and fell on her head! Im still afraid to put her back in it! lol But I think your daughter is right on track!

  3. Yes that sounds about right for a baby of that age, My daughter was pulling herself up at 9 months and walking with help, even walking with the furniture all around the table, i know its adorable isnt it :) My daughter started walking alone at 11 months old.

    As for the talking, yup thats normal too, its so cute to see them trying to talk like us! my daughter could say mama, dada, uhoh and yuck (sounding like uck) at that age :)  

  4. Yes, though girls talk faster than boys.  Usually as early as 10 months.  My 15 month old still only likes saying baba and go away.  

  5. It is  normal for kids at this age to mimic receptive sounds that they hear from us. So her sounds (words) that she is making is normal. As she gets older the words will become clearer. She is right on for her developmental age.  

  6. yes she is advanced congratulations

  7. sounds good, but to keep check look up the Denver develpmental scale  

  8. Okay..I have five kids..all of who reached milestones at different ages and stages..and with that experience I can tell you that your daughter is advanced with her talking. That is so cool. I would definitely nurture that. As far as the pulling up, 9 months is about average. It sounds like you  have a precious little genius on your hands. Congrats.

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