
My Anonymous cat help please ?

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I got a cat that I found in the middle of the street(I'm serious)to-

I really don't know much about cats (what they eat so on) so I would like to know what they eat how they play things that could harm them and again so on. It isn't a adult yet though it has hair/fur I gave her some food I bought at walmart she didn't seem to like it though tomorrow I'll go to my pet store oh and its a she please give some suggestions she looks so C*T* ( I'm a guy I aint gonna say the the C word so yeah) any who I would like to get info on how to not hurt him and name of some good and healthy food thanks.




  1. since its a kitten, go out and buy the following things

    catnip - consider it kitty crack yet completly healthy and digestible

    kitten food both dry and wet- I feed my cats 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) try the dry food, if that doesnt work try the wet cat food. I used to mix the foods together and let the cats eat it.

    string - yes i said string, cats of ALL ages will chase string like no tomorrow and it cracks me up playing with them

    litter box - i am assuming you plan on keeping this cat indoors and if so you will need ALOT of patience in this department because you will have to train your cat on how to use the litter box. Everytime the kitten poops or pees in the litterbox tell it firmly NO. You dont have to be mean, just in control.

    GO TO THE VET! seriously, no matter how cute the kitten is that doesnt mean that it is healthy. Im not saying the cat is UNhealthy but trust me its better safe the sorry.  

    dont hesitate to email me if you have any questions.

    *edit* be VERY careful on giving kittens milk. If you do give SKIM milk in small quantities. Cats can become lactose intolerant if they drink alot of milk. and that leads to alot of dirahhea

  2. I think it's sweet and great that you have adopted this cat! anyway here's some advice:

    make sure to give it plenty of food and fresh water every day. you can try different brands of food until you find one that she likes.

    also you dont necessarily have to buy her alot of toys, young cats will play with almost ANYTHING. my cat plays with bottle caps, yarn, crumpled up balls of paper, etc. and loves them just as much as store bought toys.

    be sure to get her a scratching post and teach her to use it. take the cat to it, set her down infront of it, pick up her front paws and move them on the post mimicking a 'scratching' motion. normally the cats get the hint and will come back to it and use it, this is important to keep the claws worn down a bit and to help save the people and the furniture in your house from getting scratched up.

    most important if you found her in the streets you should take the cat to the vet. just call a local vet and tell them you found the cat and don't know anything about her health. then when you take her in they will give her the rabies shots and other vaccines she needs. i did that with my cat and it only cost about $60.  the vet can also estimate how old she is, check to see if she has worms or fleas or anything and give you stuff to help with that.

  3. How old/big is this cat?! You say it looks young but it has fur.. I'm assuming it's a baby!

    Take it to a vet. If you found it, it could be ill/injured.

    If it's a baby it will need special formula milk stuff in a bottle.

  4. you need a vet first. it might be too young for cat food.

  5. just try to give what you eat as well, from there you'll know what it likes, they're just like humans--each individuals have food preferences. don't spoil him with too tasty foods or he'll be picky later on. in the meantime try giving him milk and bits of bread.

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