
My Best Friend Copies Me.?

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My Best Friend Copies Me ! I Got A Hayley Williams Hair style...She got The Same. Everytime i put my hood up she does...she copies my handwriting,Clothing Style And Music ! ECTT ! it really gets on my nerves.... what shall i do ?





  1. I'm sure she means to flatter you, but it can be very stifling when you are trying to develop your own style and she keeps imitating you.

    You will have to let her know you want to be friends, not twins.  Start with the basics, what is different about the two of you?  For instance, coloring, height, weight, etc.  Maybe what flatters you doesn't flatter her, and you can help her find her own style.  Maybe watch a couple "What Not to Wear" episodes for ideas.

  2. talk to her she will understand or take it as a compliment she wants to be like u or copy here back cos it will get on her nerves andtell y u did it!

  3. just say jokingly "why do you always copy me?!"

    it will be a joke but she'll probably get the hint

    and copying is the highest form of complimenting meaning she likes everything you do, so she does it too. i have the same problem with my stepsister, and i know, it is extremely annoying :]

  4. OMG! My best friend does this too ,it bugs me to death, i dont know what to do but it really annoys me. I dont know why she can't do her own thing...u know?

  5. Copying you is a form of flattery.    Tell her that it annoys you to be copied.  Tell her to be herself and that you would appreciate her company more.


    Move on.

  6. She probably admires you and thinks you're the best person in the world. Don't Get angry with her that is probably the worst thing to do.Tell her she needs her own personality. Individuality is what makes us all special.

  7. Just confront her about it.

    "hey, why are you copying me all the time? It's getting kinda weird"

    or just ignore it, and her for a while. but I say just talk to her about it. She might just love ur hairstyle and etc. But she might be doing it purposefully to get on your nerves. If so, she has succeeded.

  8. Get a new friend if you dont like her.

  9. You should tell her you don't like being copied. If she doesn't understand and continues, just stop talking to her. Some people will tell you that what she's doing is the sincerest form of flattery but I know from experience that this is annoying!

    Change your handwriting. Do it often. Practice. You'll probably find yourself writing differently than you do now. Like, once you learn other ways to write an "e", you'll find that you like one of those better than how you do it now. This happened to me.

    Forget this girl. She's a cookie-cutter wannabe, that sucks. Be yourself and do what you want because this is who you really are. She is being fake. Let her know you don't like fake people and don't feel that you can continue to hang out with someone so fake.

    You can't stop her from copying you, though. She does what she wants. But, just remember it's when you don't have friends to go to and look up to that you force yourself to find yourself. She may or may not be able to do this but maybe you can tell her to find her real self.

    I remember when I had a lot of friends, I was always into what they were into (influence). But once I stopped hanging out with them, I also started looking at things differently and also would pick thinks I really liked and not because I knew they liked it. This is how I found the real me.  

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