
My Birthday is coming up?

by  |  earlier

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I'll be 18. And, my dad said, since 18 is sort of the big year I could ask for something big. Nothing like that'll be over $1000 or anything. But, I don't know to ask for. I have a 360, a macbook, iPod Video. I don't want a PS3. A Wii may be entertaining for a few weeks but i'm afraid i'd get sick of it. Any ideas?




  1. well first of all don't get a wii my friend has one and got bored of it in days! also ps3 wouldn't be that bad but its an option, you could get a plasma or LCD tv in your room(if you don't have one already that is) but a part from that I can't think of anything else that's "big" and not over $1000 or something you don't have sorry that i can't be much more of a help to you

  2. To 2008 Beijing Olympic

  3. You can ask 250 $ from your father and donate it to any orphanages. you can make this charity in any other way which is comfortable to you.

    This is the suggestion from my side.


  4. I like the wii. if you do get the wii i would recomend wii fit ts seams so cool and it will help you stay fit. You can save the money for something BIG. Hope I helped you resolve your problem!!!

  5. Why dont u have a great party if ur into that sort of thing and use your money to hire somewhere, get a fab outfit & most of all have a ball.  Either that think really hard of something that you may have wanted for ages as you dont want to waste $1000.

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