
My Boyfriend Wants s*x! Help?

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Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 9 months and we were talking about what he wants for his birthday and he gave me a kiss and said he wants s*x. I am a virgin have been one for 15 1/2 years. Anyways I didn't know what to say I was speechless. I think i'm ready but I don't really know. It seems that if we were to have s*x I will be scared I don't know. I want to say yeah should I wait?.. HELP!




  1. You are way too young. And if you have to ask this question to strangers. you are not ready. So he wants s*x for his Birthday , and at Christmas you can tell him you have a little bundle of joy for him. Rethink this!!!.

  2. That's stupid. He probably feels that he's been waiting too d**n long for you to give it up to him and is using his birthday as a ticket to your pants.

    Tell him you're uncomfortable with the idea and you are since you're having doubts. Losing your virginity should be special, not someone's gift. Don't pay him any mind if he gives you a "boo-hoo story". If he tells you that if you really love him, you'll sleep with him, then kick him to the curb. A guy who tells his girlfriend that has absolutely no respect for her and will eventually dump her.

    Buy him a nice gift.

  3. oh brother...

    this may be hard for you but think about "self-respect" and all the things that [could] happen if you end up being pregnant. if he's the right guy for you & truly cares about you, he should change his mind.

    if your answer is no & he doesn't stop asking you then dump that buttface.

  4. if loosing your virginity is important to you then dont have s*x trust me you'll regret it when the true one comes to your life because u'll be like c**p.. i wish i could've saved it for you!!

    but if loosing your virginity isn't important then why not? he has been with you for about 9 months and u probably do love him a lot so surprise him do it a day before! or try to and then do it again on his b-day but when my gf and i had s*x for the first time it hurt her a lot bcuz i kinda have a big one so if your bf does to then i would recommend you to take 3 or 4 ibuprofen pills]

    have fun

  5. 15 is really young, your safest bet is to wait. There's no way to undo it once it's done, so you have to be 100% sure before you do it. You're young, you're most likely going to date other guys and if you do have s*x with this may regret it later on in life.  

  6. if your not completely sure you want to, then you shouldn't. even if you are sure...u shouldn't do it for an occasion like his bday, wait until ur absolutly positive and make it more romantic than a planned thing.

    if ur 15 1/2, then your a little young, and i'm not being mean, but i'm 16 and i know from experience that its better if u wait....even if u have been together for 9months.

  7. You shouldn't do it. Why? You're underage. scared. unsure.

    You should make sure you are 100% certain you love the guy, trust the guy, feel ready, know about safe s*x/protection etc, are legal to, and want to.

    Say "no, i'm not ready" and if he leaves you or gets mad etc. dump him a guy should respect your boundaries and more importantly - YOU!

    But only you know if you're ready and want to, we're just guidelines.

    Hope i helped x Good Luck x

    Phoebe =D

  8. Same old question ,same old answer.When you are mature enough you will know when.Don't go for it as a birthday present,its much more valuable than that,and if he really loves you he should be able to understand---that's if HE is mature enough .You don't want to give it away on a whim.

  9. Please Dont do it...You'll regret it the moment it happens. That's a really big step in life. I mean, I may only be 15 but i know what im talking about =/ If he really cares 4 u, he won't care if u dnt do it. Think of it as testing ur love. If he's angry with you, then he's not worth it =/ Someone i really really like already made the mistake. Don't be another =[

    Hope I helped


  10. u sound like ur not ready having s*x will change ur life there is a risk that u can get pregnant and u could get STD and HIV i suggest u don't do it tell him ur not ready and if he still asks u break up with him becuz that would be forceful!hope i helped!(:

  11. People are right by saying 15 is too young to be having s*x.  You may have this fear that by turning him down, you might lose him because of it.  Well honey, if that happens it was not meant to be; if he's not mature enough to respect your decisions, then you should question whether he is the right one for you.  

  12. well uh

    i wouldent do it tell him if he loves you he can wait a little longer.

    and for his brithday just do some thing s**y but dont have s*x you know what i mean?

  13. I feel very maternal about this question, so sorry if I sound like a concerned mother. I'm 22 and not much older than you so please listen to me, I speak from experience.  If you don't know you probably aren't ready. I have soooo many friends that regret having s*x at an early age. It should not be somthing you feel pressured into. It is a serious life step that requires investigation and serious thopught. Learn about safe s*x, learn about diffrent types of birth control. It is a huuuge step and I would hate for you to be misguided. Romance is a trick thing and it can fool you into thinking its Love. Your body and mind should be in complete agreement over s*x and it is not your boyfriends choice, it's yours.

  14. WAIT!! .. it should be on your terms as well, if you're on the fence about it then don't; i was put in a similar position, i regret it everyday, i was 15, i'm 17 now, trust me its not worth it if your not ready, if he really cares about you then he will understand, don't be afraid to say no; i was and i regret it everyday

  15. If you feel you should wait: Wait. If there are any doubts: Wait.

    Tell him you aren't ready for that yet and ask him what else he would like. If he gets angry or threatens to break up with you because of it get out of the relationship ASAP.

  16. Girl, save it for your husband - it will be so much more special then.  Trust me.  You will never regret waiting, but you will regret giving in too soon.

    If this boyfriend really loves you, he will respect your decision to wait.  If all he does is pressure you, then he's not worth it. There ARE guys willing to wait who will respect you.

    Good luck - be strong!

  17. Definitely not! I am 15 1/2 and I think I would totally s***w up my life if I had s*x right now! Just wait, if you are having doubts that's even a sign you aren't ready. In my humble opinion, I'm guessing he's wanted to get in your pants since you started dating. You might want to rethink your feelings for him.

  18. Are you at the age of consent? If not, then don't do it! Tell him you want to wait until you are at the age of consent.

    If you are, then only do it when you are sure that you are comfortable doing it. If you find you aren't comfortable on the day, reassure him that there will be other special days in the future when you may feel comfortable.

  19. Explain to him that you are not ready, and he should respect that. He shouldn't ask that from you, your 15. You are not ready. Tell him you need more time and if he loves you he won't bug you about it for awhile.

    Wait until your sure that you found the one guy that you will love forever who will love you always too. Don't give up your virginity as a present.

  20. My advice to you is to wait. Because if you have s*x with him and the relationship ends, you'll have nothing but regrets. And you'll be bitter and mean just like me.

  21. well i think if you want to have it u should its your choise but you should think about it first.. cause based on wat you wrote it looks like you want to have it...if you do use a condom

  22. Don't do it. It won't lead to anything worthwhile. If he really likes you, he'll wait and he won't be pushy. If he keeps on pushing you to have s*x, break up with him, because he clearly doesn't have your best interests at heart. Good luck and please, if you're even second guessing it once, don't do it at all.  

  23. Thats a pretty cunning plot. Ask him if thats a joke. Or tell him that you are prepared to pay a HOOKER for him to have s*x for his birthday

    Did he even consider if ur willing? Obviously that how much respect he has for u as a person. Tell ur bf that ur body is not an object for him to consume as a gift.

  24. This is best answered by you.  Follow your heart it will never lead you astray.  If he truly loves you and decide no he shall respect you in what ever you decide to do.

  25. Umm yes !

    You shouldn't lose your virginity because your boyfriend wants you to, you should want it just as much as he does. I say don't let him pressure you into it, your young you have lots of time.

  26. My dear you are lucky and very intelligent too who is thinking what to do and what not to. In your age group people are so curious for such activities who do not weigh what to be done. No, never try this. A lot of people are wandering here and there to satisfy their meanings from such a innocent girls like you. Just tell him NO and watch his behaviour too. It may get changed.

  27. okay well to just tell you that most girls are scared or nervous for their first time.

    and at least you aren't like these other little girls out here doing it after like 2 weeks.

    nine months is a long time.

    but you dont have to have s*x with him just because he says so and its his birthday.

    but its really all up to you and i think that is what he is suggesting too.

  28. DOnt Dont Dont give up your virginity on his terms.That is your gift.Your package and should never be given to a boy for a birthday present. PLease dont listen to any boy that answers this and tells you too.You will know when you are ready.Once you do though things become alot more involved.Try other things beside s*x.a body massage and a little tug should be fine.    

  29. You don't sound ready, I mean you are asking a bunch of strangers...

    But in my opinion, you should wait untill you are definately sure and aren't scared.

  30. Don't do it, wait till after marriage! If he really loves u, he'll respect your wishes and maybe someday propose to u! Trust me!

  31. WHEN IN DOUBT DON'T! You are so young,you really really should wait until you are much older or better yet married. If you have to even question if you are ready to have s*x then you are by no means ready. Think about all the risk of s*x. Even if you use a condom you are still able to get pregnant even if you are on birth control you can get pregnant plus think about std's. Even if he says he is clean that isn't a 100% fact. Some std's can hide and not show up for months. Think about how pure you are and untouched. Why risk something just to please someone else. If he truely loves you then you should be able to tell him you are not ready and  he should respect that!

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