
My Crazy Fruit Smoothie Diet?

by Guest10811  |  earlier

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Once I'm done breastfeeding, I'd like to drop my weight. I bike atleast a mile everyday and I'm slowly losing it, but I'd like to cut down faster. Don't worry, I won't do it until I'm done breastfeeding.

Anyway, is this fattening or is it plausible that I could lose weight this way?

I take strawberries, pineapple, fat free yogurt, fat free and sugar free vanilla ice cream, 2 cups of milk, and ice and blend it up. It makes for a wicked fruit smoothie.

You think it'll work and how long until I see results? I have a love for food so I don't even know if I'd be able to pull it off. ha.




  1. You will lose weight if you have more calories going out than in.

    A diet like the one you mentioned is not a balanced diet... and while you may lose weight, you might not be getting enough calories... that is fine for awhile, but you body will go into starvation mode and you will gain all the weight back, and then some.[YO YO DIETING]

    There are tons of calculators, based on weight, age, height and activity level that will let you know what you caloric intake ought to be.

    What I do is calculate that, and take away 500-1000 calories a day and that is what I eat.


    My caloric intake to keep my body at it's current weight is 2400-2600-ish. (all calculators vary, but this is the number range that mine pops up mostly.) To lose a pound, you have to create a deficit of 3500 calories to lose a pound. 1-2 lbs a week is a healthy weight to lose. Anything more than that and you are losing muscle or water weight. Not good! Muscles burn calories by just sitting there in your body!

    If I want to lose weight I cut 500-1000 calories from my diet [creating a 3500-7000 cal weekly deficit] I will lose 1-2 lbs a week.... I aim for  1400-1900 calories a day. If I stay within that range, I will lose weight without starving myself and feeling deprived. I tried to go on a 1200 calorie diet and felt like sleeping constantly... I lost weight, but I felt awful and was hungry ALL the time! I was exercising 5 days a week and feeling just awful and run down.... If you add exercise, aim for the upper calorie limit.

    When I upped my calories to what I need for 1-2 lbs weight loss, I feel like Wonder Woman!

    Here is a breastfeeding & weight loss link for you:

    You could take your calories and add 600 for what you'd need daily, since BFing burns 600 a day! Awesome! That's like getting 2 intense 30 minute aerobic workouts a day!

    I'd just watch your calories and make sure you are getting enough for your milk supply...

    Good Luck!

  2. hmm maybe. just gotta watch your proportions though.

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