
My Daughter Called Home Crying Because ....?

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she thought that her yearbook was free. And I never got any form to buy a yearbook, so yesterday she was ALL excited because the whole 5th Grade Class was going to go outside and sign each yearbook for 2 hours. So when they were passing them out she never got one because we never ordered one. So she called home crying that she wanted me to come pick her up. And she called a hour before I got the message and by the time I would get ready and call the school the yearbook signing would be over. So my summary is this: My daughter didnt get a yearbook, and she is only 10 years old, and her whole grade is singing and she wasnt able to, imagine how embarrassing this could be. And keep in mind that she has been waiting for this for weeks. So my question is .. what could I get her to make her feel better? And i already called the school to see if I could order one and they said the ones they have left overs are all out. So getting one for her is out of the question.




  1. maybe u and her could go on a girls day out someitme! tak off of work or somehting and u and her can go shopping, see a movie out to some more maybe go bowling or to putt putt or something and go out to dinner and then get icecream on the way home! do something fun with ehr for a day ....something she really enjoys to get her mind off the subject!!!

    hope this helps

    ~volley lover

  2. I'm sorry that happend to her, poor kid.

    You could give her a camera to bring to school and then use an online publisher to print it and then give her that to get signed. Or you could put it together yourself at home (cheaper & faster)

    That way she could have something special with her friends.

  3. I had the same thing happen to my 11 year old son this year. I called the teacher and apparently there was an order form sent home with the kids almost 3 months ago. The teacher insisted that every child received one, and the ones who were absent had them placed in their child's "mailbox" at school. It's the kids' responsibility to make sure these important papers reach their parents' hands. This is just one tough lesson on personal responsibility and accountability.

    In 5th grade, all kids should be learning about what these concepts really mean, and taking disappointments in stride. Life is not fair, life isn't perfect, you don't always get your way, and sometimes you are going to feel left out. Going through this process of being sad and getting over it is a process that every child needs to go through, and it will build moral character.

    Buy your child an autograph book from a craft store and allow your child to collect signatures that way. Send her to school with a disposable camera to capture pictures of her friends. Doing those things is going plenty out of your way to rectify the situation. She'll get over it eventually.

  4. Send her to school with a couple of disposable camera's and help her make her OWN yearbook.  She can have her friends sign it the next day if you take her pics to Wal-Mart or somewhere fast.  It will be special for her and custom made!  

    You can have a 'slumber' section in the back for a 'year-end' sleepover party, or something similar.  Borrow someone's yearbook and scan it - throw it on a disc for her.  

    I know how you feel...

    Good luck!

  5. They may be out of yearbooks, for now, but they usually have a re-order day... Make sure your daughter knows this, and tell her to pay attention! Good luck.

  6. get her the pet she wants poor thing it's awful to hear and see your child upset

  7. You could get her a kids camera (they make them, I'm sure), and a pretty journal that she pics out from Barnes and Nobles or some stationary store. Have her take pictures of all her friends and have them autograph her book!

    Good luck!

  8. Borrow a friends of hers and copy front and back (this is your child to h**l with copyright) of the year book, have her take a couple of disposable cameras to school to take pics with her friends.. dont forget teachers too!  Have them developed and do some scrapbooking.. have her take it to schooland have the kids sign it.. believe me most of the kids will want hers!(scan some of the pics in the year book of "extra pics" that they take throughout the year so she has some of those that she won't be able to retake)

  9. Is there any way she can have a small party with her friends?

    It could be a celebrity theme, they could all dress up in "fancy cloths" and feel like they are going to a red carpet event, they could all sign autographs for eachother and then have a "fancy" lunch with gingerale "wine" and cheese and crackers.

  10. I can relate. No way to call the yearbook company? If it is Jostens or LIfetouch you might be able to drive over and get one (dont know where you are...) If not I think the camera idea is great. Get her 2 or more disposible cameras and help her by getting groups of her friends and classmates together. You two can make a very nice special yearbook using scrap booking materials.  I know this is MAJOR right now, but in a year or so, looking back at her special yearbook might bring a huge smile to her face.  I am sorry that the teachers/pta didnt have a little more compassion for your child and make sure she as a 5th grader had one! Anyway, her yearbook might be without signatures, so why dont you have an "ice cream" party next week and have her invite her class over. That will give her the opportunity to have her friends sign her book and show off her "special" yearbook pictures! I am heartbroken for you...Keep your chin up and smile so she knows that "this too shall pass".

  11. your 16 and want to have s*x, you have a 27 y/o son and you don't know you have to pay for year books?

  12. that happened to me because i forgot to order one so what i did was i got construction paper maybe like 4-6 sheets of it used a hole puncher to put holes along one side of the papers and then got string/ribbon and tied it through each of the holes like a book then decorated it and ta da! instant yearbook. cheaper and prettier

  13. Im sorry to here this and it makes me sad to hear this being 23 and not to long agao i remeber year book time. i was thinking maybe you could find a nice folder/binder at a store and posibly talk to the princible and get the teachers and students to sign this for her. And then give it too her???? i dont know but it would make me smile. Good Luck!!!

  14. Aw, that's sad. But it's not your fault.. so don't feel so bad.

    I like the idea about clicking pictures and sticking them in a scrapbook. It will be fun and will sure make her happy. You could also throw a little party for all her friends or take her out to an amusement park of somewhere similar.

    You even go and simply ask her what she wants. Or just surprise her with a gift!! Something that she's wanted for a long time or something that you're sure she'd like!!

    You're such a great Dad!! :)

  15. Get her a scrapbook and a Polaroid disposable camera, an acid free pen, some picture mounting tape, and some acid free stickers.  She can make her own yearbook.  Her friends can pose in silly ways and see how they look immediately.  Hurry.  It's all right there in the craft section at Walmart and in the photo section.

  16. a new puppy? maybe her very own fish? how bout a kitty cat? or a years pass to the nearest fun park? what about going to the zoo or the movies? maybe a trip to the salon and getting your fingernails done together,,, go see a movie she wants to see, maybe have all her friends over for a big themed party, where they can make their own memory book and sign it. sign her up for dance, or something she really wants to do, maybe learn to play and instrument together, or have a fun day at a waterpark... options are endless!!!!

  17. I'm sorry.  the funny thing is, this is going to hurt you more than it hurts her in the long run.  she'll get over it, but you'll always feel like cr@p.  i agree with the other posters who suggested calling the company and seeing about extras, having her create her own signature book, or having her friends sign a tee shirt.  just wanted to offer my support.

  18. Buy her a white shirt and let her take it to school and get all the kids to sign it. Then she'd still have  all the autographs.

  19. You should ask her because after all it is not what we want it is what she wants

  20. I agree with Jessi on this one she has the right idea-its perfect!

  21. you should apologize to her and then take her out for a special day with you. it would be better if its durning school beacuse it will make her feel more special, when you ar e out with her on her day but her something she wants. something realy nice ;)

  22. buy her a t shirt and tell her to wear it tommorow and have her class sign it.

  23. She'll get this opportunity again in high school. So remind her of that. Also, you can make photo books online. Maybe have a party or something with her favorite people from her class and take pictures. Then have a book made and have all these friends sign it and put messages in it. It will be the same as a yearbook but better because it will be her favorite people.

    Jill makes a good point. Dissapointment is part of life. It sucks though.

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