
?? My Denim Dilemma // Am I Fat ??

by  |  earlier

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okay so both of these questions are kind of in the same story...

my cousin convinced me to try on a pair of her skinny jeans which i was horrified at first, but once i tried them on i thought "hey, not bad!" so i came out of the bathroom and looked at my brother and said "so what do you think??" and he goes "i think you're fat. those are horrible." !!! >:O he does that ALL the time! always telling me how fat i am! i've always been really self-conscious (especially about my legs) anyways, part one is do I look better with skinny leg or regular jeans?? the first pic is one of my legs is normal and the other skinny. 2nd pic is normal jeans. 3rd pic is skinny jeans. I WANT HONESTY HERE PEOPLE!!!

part two is am i fat like my bro says?? you can't really tell from the pics, i guess, but i'm 5' 2 1/2" and weigh 105 lbs. (i was at the doctors so i'm sure :D) so uh, what do you guys think??




Thanks so much :)




  1. Your brother is just being a brother....

    Just by telling us your weight you don't seem to be fat, and the pictures just confirm the answer.

    The jury is out: you are not fat

  2. You look great!

    tell your bro to STFU :)

  3. skinny jeans bring out the shape of a girls body.

    i love wearing skinny jeans and so does my sister, she bought like 20 pairs in one day. =]

    ure not fat. ure at a good weight for your height.

    tell ur bro to shut his mouth. thats all wut lil bros are for, talkin ****.

  4. no, not fat.

  5. You are ROCKIN' those jeans! I smell a MODEL! Don't pay attention to your brother.  

  6. you're nowhere near fat. but i think you look better in regular jeans

  7. You are definitely not fat and you look REALLY good in those jeans.  

  8. Um, no you aren't "fat" what the h**l do you think fat is?

    But you probably aren't 105 because I'm 110 and I'm much thinner than you.

  9. they all look great

    and ur so not fat! dont listen to him  

  10. you look fine !  normal body to me ?  not even close to fat at all ?  


  12. go with the skinny jeans =D

    and you are not fat at all.

  13. your not fat and i like the skinny jeans

  14. you look best in skinny jeans.

    and no your not fat.

    you can try buying some tighter jeans though. it will make you look skinnier.

    mine?! :];...

  15. hahaha awww thats hilarious! babe ur tiny as! dnt be worried!

    gosh ur making me feel obese by saying ur brother thinks ur fat haha..

    its ok im 5 foot 4 and weigh 52kg..(so ummm i dnt no what that is in ur terms lol im guessing 100 and something?) and my brother tells me im fat all the time.. its just wat they do!

  16. The skinny jeans look great on you

  17. your not fat but the skinny jeans just aren't flattering on you but their not flattering on most people

  18. ur not fat, ya tard. fat is like 200pounds. your brother is hot tho

  19. They both look good to me and your totally not fat.  I'm 5'1" and im 109 pounds and the doctor says that its completely the right size for my height.  So your taller and less weight so tell your bro to shut up.

  20. your not fat at all !

    try skinny jeans:)

  21. Go tell your brother to knock it off - I know for a fact even without your pictures that you are NOT fat.

    Keep in mind - he's your brother, he does it to p**s you off.

    Anyway about the jeans - you'd look better in skinny jeans if they were hemmed a bit so they're not so long. They're just too long right now.

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