
My Doctor keeps mucking me around. ?

by Guest63944  |  earlier

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I will go there and he is ALWAYS double booking.. Then when I do get in he keeps cracking not good jokes while he is examining me.. Then he said last week I was 7 weeks then during this week he called me back because he wanted to check something. So I went back in there and he said I m closer to ten weeks.

I just don't feel like he knows what he is doing. I have been seeing him since I found out i was expecting ( last week!) I think he can tell I don't like him . And he says that I can't see another doctor because there all to busy to see me and he wants to follow my pregnancy..

He is creepy .

I think I should go get a second opinion on everything.. ?

If I am 10 weeks is it to late to change doctors?




  1. NO it is not too late for you to change Doctors. Dont go back to him, he sounds like a freak. Trust me you dont want someone that you are not comfortable with help you to bring your child into the world. There are plenty of OB's out there.  

  2. Your doctor is YOUR choice, he's probably just saying that so he can get your money, you don't want someone feeling around down there that you don't feel comfortable with, seach around, if you can't find someone else in your town, check the towns around you and make an appointment to see them. If he messes up, it could mess your baby up and no one wants that. Its not too late.

  3. no its not too late, i think you can change your doctor any time you want too, but yeah he does sound like he is a little weird..and doesn't really take things serious, just go with your best instinct :)


  4. Go to a different doctor. It is not too late, never is. Take my advice & switch! I'm 27 weeks and my doctor is wonderful. HOWEVER, his staff is ridiculous. I'll give you some examples:

    1. I show up for round two of my sequential screening -- they send me home telling me it's too early for draw two and someone should have called me to reschedule. Nobody did.

    2. Nobody called me either round of my screenings with results. Doctor informed me that they were supposed to. NOBODY DID!

    3. I was never told to fast for my one hour glucose test and ate carbs & loads of sugar before I went. Failed that. Nobody called with results. They are supposed to call IMMEDIATELY if the results are bad to schedual the three hour test. Of course, nobody told me. I had to call myself.

    4. I get two letters today stating that I owe a huge balance to a lab where my blood was sent because my doctor's office never forwarded my insurance information to the lab. I of course had to call the doctor's, they tell me to call the lab directly & give them my information. I shouldn't have to since it's what they are paid to do.

    So all in all, I won't switch because it's too stressful this late in my pregnancy, but trust me, you need to switch. The first red flag means GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!

    Good luck & congrats, sorry for all the ranting I did, just letting you know what you could be in for in the long haul.

  5. You should find a different doctor that you are comfortable with. You have too long to go to be with a doctor that you aren't 100% comfortable with.  Try a different hospital or clinic in the area, and don't take his word for it (about the other docs being too busy).  Try a family medicine doctor that you can go to all throughout your pregnancy and can do the baby wellness checks too, that way you only have one doctor that you really like!

  6. I felt the same way about my doctor. I felt like he never knew what he was talking about. He told me the same thing but i felt that it would take more stress off of me any my baby if i got a new doctor and i did. So no its not to late for you to get a new doctor. I say change your doctor as soon as you can. Best of Luck

  7. I am a CMA

    You should get another doctor.. Makes since to me

  8. you have 30 weeks left ! if you don't like him change doctors!

  9. No its not to late to change doctors and you should.  You need to feel comfortable with your ob doc.  This is supposed to be a wonderful time and the last thing you need is a creepy doctor.  Try to find a female ob doctor, they are more understanding and compassionate because they understand what our bodies go through more then the men doctors.  Good Luck!

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