
My Dog Has Heartworms?

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My 54 lb male pit bull has just been diagnosed with heart worms. He was coughing a lot and started coughing up blood and that's why we took him to the vet. The vet gave him amoxicillin and a heart worm pill called Iverhart. Does anyone know if this Iverhart pill will eventually kill the worms or is it just a preventative for future worms? He seems to be having so much trouble breathing but the vet said he should be fine. He's eating although not as much as usual and the same with water. I am just wondering how long before I see an improvement in my dog's health. Does the Inverhart kill the already existing worms?




  1. I am very sorry to hear this.

    I assume your vet has told you that this is serious.

    The Ivermectin is slowly killing the worms in your dog's heart.

    This is why he is coughing etc. He is having trouble getting enough oxygen.

    They are killed slowly so dead worms don't clog the heart arteries.

    You MUST keep the dog quiet and still as possible.

    I know this is hard , but do the best you can.

    Someone should stay with the dog until this all over.. 6-8  weeks.

    Make sure fresh water is always available and feed him as usual.

    If he doesn't drink or eat his meals call the vet.

    Ask the vet if he can walk outside to pee etc and for how long. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.

    He will have to have another treatment of Ivermectin to kill all the rest of the worms. They can't all be killed with one dose because it would kill the dog.

    This is a hard lesson and I hope people who read this are warned.

    Next spring in late May or early June go to the vet and have your dog checked for heartworm ( cheap, simple blood test - preventative can't be given without the test).

    Then buy a heartworm preventative product that you will give to your dog monthly to make sure this never happens again.

    Many young or middle-aged dogs survive this heart illness but many don't.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  2. Why didn't u put him on Heartworm Meds when he was a puppy. I'm surprised your Vet didn't check him when u brought him in for his shots. You did have those don ,didn't u? I didn't know there was a med to get rid of heartworms. Hope it works. Good luck.

  3. my mutt had heartworms a couple years ago.  as far as i know the treatment is shots of aresenic to kill the worms and no physical activity for 30 days.  you should get a second opinion.  this is a very serious condition.  the worms, the treatment and the recovery can all kill your pet.  you need to take it in to an emergency vet, get it tested and start treatment now!  if it's to the point the dog is showing symptoms, you can't wait any longer.

  4. I'm not sure what the medication is that they are given for heart worms but it doesn't sound like that vet knows what he/she is doing. When I worked for a vet, the dogs that were getting treated for heart worms had to stay overnight because if they get up and start moving around alot the worms ban cause a blockage and then they will die. I don't want to scare you but heart worms is a very serious thing. I think that you should take him to another vet and get a second opinion. They have to go through 3 treatments especially if they are really bad with it sound like it is because he is coughing up blood. I hope that you get it resolved and I wish the best for you and your dog.
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