
My English Essay?

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My teacher told us to write a story for our final. It can be anything

Tell me what you think

Once there was a golden popcorn. The pop corn popped. and popped and popped.. and popped.. until the popping stopped.

but after the popping stopped it didnt stop completely.

It continued to pop a little. pop a little. and pop a little

Then after it popped a little a few more times the golden popcorn was fully popped.IT was then ready to be eaten

Little did the people know that their was more popping to be made!!!!!!!!.so the men put the popcorn in their mouth. And it popped and popped and popped. And popped, in their mouth.

They though the popping stopped but then it popped a little. just a little. popped a little popped a little then a little. Then after a few little pops the golden popcorn was digested. Then little did they know in his stomach, the golden popcorn was still not fully popped. So it popped and popped and popped and popped. Then it popped a little.

(tell me what u think plz!)




  1. If you are in 3rd grade you have it made dude.

  2. hahaha thats so stupid. write it again ay

  3. Did it pop outa his rear end? if so you should make this a picture book story, with like a f**t cloud as a picture, easy A if its a male teacher.

  4. My stomach hurts.

  5. Its good it just repeats itself alot

  6. Ugh.....its not that great in my opinion (no offence)

    I just find it irritating that it repeats itself so often

    just to tell about a little scene.

    If you want to drag one moment out I'd suggest

    you use figurative language instead. this is just

    a little boring
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