
My Forever 21 sucks!! Does yours?

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the F21 where I live is horrible..its always so crowded and I can never find anything special or of good quality. But when I got the next state over, F21 is so great!!So neat, two stories, im in there for like 2 hours!! Why does it seem like the stores right near you suck, but the ones out of your way are sooooo much better!!!




  1. same with me its always crowded and overbearrign, taht i never buy anything. ive nevr been to another one.

  2. yeah, at least my mall's gotten a lot of the better stores but they're still nothing compared to ones in like L.A or SanFran.. that's why online shopping is so handy! :)

  3. the closest forever21 from me has a lot of clothes and accessories and it's two stories :)

  4. I don't really care for the Forever 21 near me. It's like, you see something cute on the website so you go to the store but you can't even find it cause there's like SOO much stuff just hanging EVERYWHERE! Plus, there also lotsa people in there so it's hard to get around and the lines are always like HECKA long!!! So after like an hour of looking in there when I finally find the cute top I was looking for, I realize that the line is VERY long! I feel soo dissapointed I'm like ahh mann!! That's why I prefer Hollister over Forever 21, because it's easier to find what you're looking because everything is stacked up nice and neat and not like all over the place, and the lines usually aren't quite as long as in F21.  

  5. Haha, I know, right?

    I think it's the different enviroment that make's your's "sucky" and their's "awesome". Like once I went up to NY City for a concert and had time before it to browse and shop and went into the Wet Seal at Manhattan Mall, It was SOOOOOO much better than mines at home. Our Forever 21 at my mall is new, so it's updated and bigger than some I've went too.

  6. I have the same problem my friend!  Although Forever 21 definitely isn't known for its quality (haha.)

    Anyway, the mall down the street has a smallish F21, and it's totally cluttered!  Like there are random sweaters on the floor and all the staff just kind of sit there and do nothing.  And the checkout lines take FOR EV ER.  It's like they're in slow motion!  

    But no.  If I drive an hour away there's a HUGE F21.  I didn't even know they made that many clothes.  Very frustrating, I agree :)

  7. i kno! That totally sux! In one store it's all packed and the music makes u get a headache but then another one in like the middle of nowhere is the better than the other one

  8. it also depends on when you are able to get there. It has happened to me so many times when i go at the time when everyone goes (near the afternoon) but about a little after they open its so nice and organized and there arnt too many people  

  9. i kind of have the same problem i find a lot of stuff in my forever 21but its too crowded and i just walk out when i feel l ike their too many people there but i go to a mall an 1 or 2 hours from where i live there's a 2 story forever 21 and its neat and not even crowded .. i feel like i can shop forever in that one = D i  wish they try to expand the one in my mall ....

  10. the grass is always greener..........................two stories??? no fair!!!!! mine sux too

  11. i dont think mine sucks. it has very cute stuff.but i live in cali. it also depends like somebody else said the time you go. if you go in the morning nobodys there and its all neat and organized. hope i helped!!  

  12. Welll, im not in the states, thereforth the nearest F21 in my country is like 2 provinces away, HOWEVER, Seattle's SouthCentre mall which is really close to where i live is AMAZING!!! Its like the size of a house, i was so excited i was liek running arround the store finding everything i ever wanted.  I finished in the changerooms and was about to check out when, THERE WAS A DOWNSTAIRS LEVEL!! AHHH i almost died, so i found tons of stuff down there too and it was so cheap and pretty decent quality and i was like in shopping heaven :)

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