
My Gerbils?

by  |  earlier

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they arent runing in there ball or there weel

and i dont know what to do? and they arent to old or to young or anything.but i dont know what to do is there something wrong with them? i need help!




  1. Are the wheels and balls new because my mouse took sometime to actually go in either one.

  2. They're probably fine, mine don't like running in their wheel either. Let them out in a room to run around for a couple hours... make sure they can't get into any closets or anything... (they like eating books so make sure there are none of those around)

  3. It's nothing to worry about, my hamsters go through stages of not going on their wheels. One of them never uses it at all and he's perfectly healthy and happy.

  4. it takes time for animals to get used to new things, give it time. and hopefully you rinsed(the wheel) it off before putting it in the cage so it doesn't have any weird smells

  5. Mine didn't like it in their weel either.. But don't let them run around your room!!!!  They are escape artists, and will do ANYTHING to get out of the area they are constricted to.  The hampster fence is a good idea, you can find these at any major pet stores.  You can let them run around on your bed, if you don't think thats gross.. they usually don't try and jump off, if your bed isn't really low anyways.  If none of these things are satisfactory, you can consider getting it a leash and walking around your house.. but not outside, they can get fleas/ticks/disease. Hope this helps!

  6. i think this would be best in the small animals section not the reptile section, maybe they are just worn out?

  7. its normal for rodents to not want to run around in their toys. I recomend getting a hamster fence.(Its a little fence that you put in your room for your rodent pet to run around in! kinda like a dog pen.) I dont remember what they are called though.
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