
My PS3 got scammed!?

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On AUG 25. I was selling a ps3(for 600). A guy from Nigeria told me he will buy for 800 include shipping. But he told me to close the ebay auction and he will pay to my pay-pal directly. So I did and i received a email from pay-pal that says i'll receive the money after i send them the tracking number.

I shipped the item and email them the tracking number, but no money added to my pay-pal.

On AUG 26. I post my story on the ebay answeringcenter and realized the buyer is a Nigerian scammer!

Do you think I can still cancel the shipment and get the ps3 back?

(canada post international parcel takes 10 business days to deliver)




  1. try

  2. yes do this asap get your tracking number to the post office in tell then to stop the shipping process in tell them that it is a scam that the guy is ripping you off once this is done it will stop right there in then and the guy will not get your ps3 and the local police were he is will arrest him on the spot  dont ever sell your ps3 system on e-bay when they tell any thing like that ever if you want to sell it to someone that will give you what you are asking for it    :)ava06

  3. Call them now. That was such a mistake. Stop it NOW. BIG MISTAKE!

  4. c**p man.... I'm not entirely sure if you can get your ps3 back.. i'm sorry to hear about this. That's why when i sell on ebay. I don't take anyone's request. I suggest you to do the same next time. But i hope you do find a way to get the ps3 back

  5. Yes and if that doesnt work call ebay and argue ur *** off

  6. you will get something back,dont worry.that guy is gonna get happens alot.he has no chooise

  7. dude that sucks! try calling the post office, ebay, etc! thats unfair!

  8. Call the post office now and have them track down the package before it's too late. Good luck!

  9. Give them a ring ASAP

    Looks like you could loose your ps3 here sadly, some very tricky people on ebay. Never give into private sales!

  10. Heres a great example of why i dont use Ebay.

    Though persoanly id have realized summit when some one form Nigeria(of all place, let me guess apart form wnating oyur PS3 he was also a diplomat trying to get his gold out hte country?) and offering 200 more.

    Unfourtanetly you may need ot accept your Ps3 is goen, however if you act ASAP then you may be able ot get it di=elivered back to you, though expect extra service charge, but thats worth it for hte life experince that menas you wont do this agian, and not loosing your PS3 for nothing.

  11. Never make business transactions with Nigerians. I saw this thing on the news about that a few weeks ago.

    They do that a lot!
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