
My Paint, I need help

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We live in Az. Have a paint, He has been here for years but the last 2 summers he gets funny. Sun burn in the stall. heat burn, stall has fan, and this year he is not drinking enough water and is not sweating when you ride (in earky AM still hot) and he breaths hard..What is up with this??? And has anyone had this happen and what did you do?




  1. Could be anhydrosis.  Check with you vet!!

  2. I would cal the vet. A horse that doesn't sweat isn't friend's horse (lol many medical problems) also doesn't sweat. He get a dose of One AC twice daily AND IT DOES WONDERS! Know he sweats just as much, if not more, than the other horses :)

    I would call your vet first, and if he is stuck then ask him about it :) He may even recommend it xD

    Good Luck.

  3. If he gets sunburned I would put sunscreen on him. You could try flavoring the water with Kool- aid to make him drink more. I would check with your vet to see what's wrong.  


    What anhidrosis is and how to help your horse if he has this condition.  Give your horse a little additional loose salt in his grain to encourage him to drink water.  Keep a fan/mister on him if he's stalled and out of the sun.  Provide him with plenty of fresh water...

  5. I know what you mean. I just got horse form South Dakota, and he couldn't deal with the heat. The best thing is to put him in a pasture or turnout it allows more air flow then a stall. Put some sunscreen on the common burning parts.  I started giving my horse about 6-10c of wet Bran a feeding. He got some of his water intake and helps clean out there system. This is what i did and he got through the summer better.

    Good luck!  

  6. I think you should probably check with the vet if it's worrying you.  You should put some sunscreen on his nose or any other place that doesn't have a lot of hair.  I would also add electrolytes to his water.  If he won't drink you can give him Koolade or apple juice.  How much hair does he have?  Has he shedded his winter coat?  You may want to clip him.  If possible, I would also move him to the stall with the most ventilation in the barn.  (Many barns get stuffy, so try to put him near a door and window.)  I hope that helps.  Good luck.

  7. How in the world does a horse get sun burned in a stall?  I can see everything but "sun burn"...he is in the shade, right? If money is an issue, or if it's not, go to your local wall mart and buy a few of those misting things that you can put on the end of your water can get an adapter that will accommodate up to 6 of the misters...keep your horse cool and comfortable, keep his water cool as well, include electrolytes, and you shouldn't have so many problems.

  8. Try putting a little salt in his feed.But I would call my Vet for advice.Seems like if its that hot he may be sweated out.You may need to add some salt and minerial suppliments to his diet.

  9. I would say check with your vet but I think that's beating the proverbial dead horse. Things (s)he may suggest are electrolytes, (they come in many brands, some flavored, some name brand etc). They are a natural substance in a horse (and in people), I won't get into the technical stuff but they help with water absorption and help increase the horse's desire to drink. Since he is a paint with sunburn, I bet it is safe to say he has a snip, which is probably where he is getting the sunburn. The hair on a horse's muzzle is thin, and when it is white it offers no help in the sun. SPF 50 sunscreen and/or zinc oxide (diaper rash ointment) applied to his nose before turnout is a must. Also apply it to the backs of his pasterns, if he has white around his hooves. The not sweating is definitely a medical condition, and sadly there isn't too much you can do about it biologically. Hose him off before and after you ride, and on hot days keep your work minimal. I would say on any day over 75 degrees do not ride for more than 20 minutes and keep it mostly walk trot. The more you hose him off, the better, as overheating is a serious problem and can endanger your horse's life. I'm sorry you are having these problems. It could be that minimal work in the summers are what he will require his whole life, as well as medicines and careful monitoring and hosing.
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