
My Parents Just Got Divorced

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I'm 16 and my parents just got divorcred because my mom had an affair.when my dad found out he hit her and broke her nose in front of me and my dad was arrested and they went to court and my dad was told he was not allowed up to the house or he would be arrested again so i dont see him much.every time my dad comes up to pick me up they always start fighting and they are always in court trying to get custody of me and my sister.they both tell me stuff about each other to turn me against them and get me involved in everything.i know they both love me but i think that they are more focused on hurting each other than looking after their mom also got engaged just 3 months after the divorce and i dont want her to get married but she just says to stop thinking about myself.

i just hate my life at the moment and i dont know how to make it better

sorry it was so long




  1. (HUG).  I think you needed that more than anything.  My parents are divorced but for other, saner reasons.  Would you like another hug? (HUG)

  2. Just try to be happy yourself although with them bringing you in the middle is hard to do.  Tell both of them that you love them both but leave you out of thier arguements and unless it is something nice to not tell you things about the other.  This divorce is rough on you as it is and would appreciate not being the go between.


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