
My Yorkie is coughing?

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She hasn't been around other dogs lately.




  1. Collapsed tracheas are common in small breeds as a result from pulling on their leash when they have a collar on instead of a harness. Have you had her on a collar and leash lately? If not she could have something stuck in her throat, kennel cough, or a number of other things. Best thing to do would be to get her to the vet right away.

  2. your yorkie may have kennel cough

  3. It might just be a kennal cough, go to your vet and heve them take a look at your dog. If it is a kennal cough there is an injection to the nose that can solve this problem. Im not sure about the collapsing windpipe thing, have a specialist take a look.

  4. I would say either Kennel cough, or collapsing trachea.  Has she been around other dogs lately?

    Collapsing trachea can be serious but does not have to be.  Is it a 'honking' noise?

  5. If she's not been around other dogs then I doubt it's kennel cough, but it does sound like she may have something stuck in her throat.

    Coughing is also a sign of a few major diseases, distemper, heart disease, respiratory disease, worms and poisoning.

    A dusty atmosphere or any spray, like air fresheners, perfume, deodorant,etc. can cause coughing.

    It would be best to see the vet just in case it is something more serious before it possibly gets worse.

    I hope she's feeling better soon.

  6. more than likely it's kennel cough, especially if you got ur dog from a pet store.....never put a leash on ur yorkie's collar, always use a harness, take her to the vet asap.

  7. Both KC and collapsed windpipes are common, but i would go with the KC first of all.

    Has she had the KC vaccine recently?

    If she has they can start coughing after they have had it for up to a week afterwards.

    Although you say she hasn't been around dogs lately it is still possible for her to get KC as this is an airborne disease so they can easily pick it up.

    You can treat her with some benylin from the chemist ( one tsp twice a day) to see if that relieves it.

    As for the collapsed windpipe there is nothing you can do apart form surgery to correct it, but your vet can explain that to you.

    Make an appointment with your vet but explain that you think it might be KC so they can make an appointment when it is quiet.

  8. My dog Misty who is a lurcher cross and about 2 years old does this and has done since she was small.  We asked the vet about it because she does it every time she gets excited whether she has a lead on or not. the vet said it was a weakness in the cartilage rings that are around her windpipe.  The weakness makes the windpipe collapse  and this is what makes the noise. the vet recommended we use a harness when we have to put her on the lead not a collar.  She said there is an operation they can do but only in extreme circumstances as it is not always successful.   We decided not to have the operation.  I can understand your concern.  It sounds awful. Hope you find this helpful. Cathy  
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