
My baby Marginated Tortoise?

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I'm new here but I have a few questions about my new baby tortoise. I did all my research and I have the right set up but how much should they eat per day? Mine came out this morning when I woke it and it ate a small piece of spinach then went back under the hay to sleep. Do I wake it to feed it or will it just come out when its hungry? If I leave the fresh veggies in there too long they will dry out so Im not sure if I should keep replenishing or not. Also, it is only about 1.5" longs. Very healthy but it sleeps a lot...

Thanks for any advice,





  1. Just put a dish or bowl in his tank and he'll go over to it and eat and when hes full he will stop that simple but keep the food pretty fresh change it when it gets spots,you know what i mean.

    Keep a squirt bottle and spray the veggies before they get dried.

    Its OK for turtles to sleep alote their lazy lol not really but he's fine

    And Welcome to Yahoo Answers

  2. exactly. its all about routine :)

    you shouldnt be feeding your tort spinach. it has a chemcial in it that blocks calcium absorption.

  3. Hi, I shouldn't worry too much about waking your tortoise up for food. They have an amazing sense of smell! I pop the food in for mine, and he comes trudling out to eat like clockwork! I handle him only to give him a cuddle, pop him in for a bath and make sure that his health is ok. Being as yours is so young, I should think it's just a matter of getting your routines suited to each other. I pop down as much food as will fill his tray every morning, whatever he doesn't eat gets thrown away...I'd rather have too much down for him than not enough. Hope this helps.

  4. just put the food down in the morning and your tortoise will come out and eat it if there is a problem with the food drying out then feed your tortoise again with fresh food a bit later on, you don't have to worry about waking your tortoise as it will come out to eat when you get in to a routine, my tortoises are waiting at the pen door at certain times of the day and they soon learn that when you start putting food in the enclosure they hear or see you and come running (well as fast as their tortoise legs will carry them anyway) if your tortoise is healthy and eating then just put some food down twice a day , best of luck with your new tortoise honey, welcome to answers hope you have some fun here and find what you are looking for.

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