
My best friend is copying me!?

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Okay, well it started out with a few little things last year. I decorated my school planner with some Beatles pictures, and the next day, she showed up to school with hers done the exact same way. I was like, okay, that's kinda weird, but forgot about it.

Then, I severely sprained my ankle and had to wear a brace for two weeks. A few days into it, she comes to school- wearing an ankle brace.

This summer it's gotten super bad. I'm a vegetarian, and now apparently, she is too. She bought the exact same shoes as me. She is 'in love' with the same bands I've been with since 5th grade. (I'm a freshman in high school.) She acts like she's a liberal and everything, but when I ask her a base question that all Dem's should know, she just evades it.

She even bought the exact same school supplies as me!

I know, this is kind of petty, but it's SUPER annoying. Any ideas on how to tell her to back off and get her own style?




  1. has happen to me to before with my sister, friends,even my daughter copies me.............i used to hate it too ....but really its their way of saying they like your taste....

  2. lolz wow people are dumb uhhh just try asking her what da f**** is her problem?! nahhh lolz ask her yy she is copying you and if she denies it show everything yhu just said about the beetles thingy and everything lolz hope this helps where yhu live im a sophmore in high school =]

  3. Tell her, but tell her nicely.  Something like, "Uhh...____, I feel like you've kinda been coping me all the time!  I mean, you copied, (say the things she copied) and I just need a little more space, okay?!"  If she understands, perfect!  If she doesn't you might want to go to a parent, sibling, or teacher for help.

  4. Oh my gosh I had the same problem last year! There's really nothing you can do about it, but make it widely known that you're coming up with these things first.  So, right when you get some new shoes, make sure EVERYONE knows, so the next day when she shows up with shoes like that, everyone will be like, "Doesn't she have shoes just like that?"  Also, avoid her, she sounds super jealous, and she won't stop until she feels like everyone likes her more than you (which will obviously never happen lol).

    Good luck, and I know how you feel!

  5. ur sayin its ur style..lmao and only u have that "style"  lol

  6. i completely know how you feel,

    i actually stopped hanging out with my friends who always copied me. i mean, its not as bad as whats going on with you...but it is HIGHLY annoying and thats why i quit hanging out with them. i dunno why they do it..for attention or what? but it is really annoying.......

    probably you can tell her to stop copying mite become an argument but you can tell her nicely. i never tried it before...i actually tried to swerve away from it but maybe itll be easier for you to tell her nicely.

    sometimes it feels like they do it for attention..seriously.  

  7. get over yourself.  maybe you are just trendy and she is trendy...then you are both copying other people.

  8. well you could take it as a compliment. it could mean she wants to be like you.

    or she's doing it becuase she's unsure of herself/who she is is and needs things to identify with, and since you are probably one of her favorite people and thinks you are cool, she's trying to be like you to get her own sense of self. eventually she'll probably realize that the things she's identifying with has nothing to do with what she likes, but what you like and so won't help her find out who she is. just give her time. maybe you could ask her opinion on different things without telling her what you think first, to get her thinking what HER own opinions are as opposed to yours.

    hope that helps


    i was reading other people's answers and i just want to say: pleaaase DON'T tell her to back off or stop copying you! it may seem like the answer to the problem but its not..even if you get sooo annoyed just keep it in. please. she might not realize what she's doing and letting her know that she's copying you could be embarrassing for her and could damage your friendship. it may sound dumb but i'm serious.

  9. OMG

    wat the

    ur friend shouldnt do that

    thats messed up  

  10. How about trying to get over yourself?

  11. hmm, just play the same game as her =)

    if u can't beat em, join em!

    Next time she comes with a different shirt or shoes than u, where the same thing that she was wearing the next day.

    Beat her at her own game.

  12. You can tell her to please stop. If that doesn't work, try going with some other style. Or you can go to a councilor with this and she might talk to her. Try that. If it doesn't work I'll tell you more next time.

  13. well i guess you could say that is  a compliment but just tell her to back off and stop doing everything you do?

  14. To Be honest You Should be Flattered!

    If it gets too much, why dont you try and be nice

    about it, if you are out shopping tell her what she would look nice in

    but mention that it wouldnt suit you. But be nice about it all, after all its nice that she wants to be like you, even if it does get a bit much!  

  15. well i hate it when my friends copy me to it is REALLY annoying.

    like she probably thinks your really cool and maybe she wants to be cool too. but when she wears or does her own thing compliment them

    so she feels special with her own style and stuff be like omg thats a cute shirt where did you get it???? or just say like im using last years school supplies and then like get new ones and be like i like that better mines wierd or idk something you know?

  16. Okay let's look at the positive side your bf just admires you. Maybe she hasn't found her identity yet and yours is working for you and she feels like she should do the same. But if she really is your friend tell her how you feel and help her come into her own identity.

  17. i had that problem once. i dyed my hair brown-black and the girl who was coping me at that time asked one of her friends to ask me what color i dyed my hair i said blue-black. she dyed it that color and i then dyed it rosewood red and she couldn't do it because she would had to strip the hair color out and mess up her hair. she never copied me again.

  18. it's her choice to do what ever she wants. copy or not. maybe she's doing because you are so s**y and pretty and she's jealous and wants to be you but never can. just forget about it. the phase will pass, she will eventually give up and establish her own style later in life. if not the copy cat will never succeed in life by following in the shadows of another person. you WANT to cast your own shadow and not be hidden by one. think about that! take care!

  19. say to her "I'm going to wear a guys t-shirt to school tomorrow" and she will undoubtedly copy you and then you can be like "Oh i changed my mind but why did you copy me?

  20. My best friend is copying me!?

    Okay, well it started out with a few little things last year. I decorated my school planner with some Beatles pictures, and the next day, she showed up to school with hers done the exact same way. I was like, okay, that's kinda weird, but forgot about it.

    Then, I severely sprained my ankle and had to wear a brace for two weeks. A few days into it, she comes to school- wearing an ankle brace.

    This summer it's gotten super bad. I'm a vegetarian, and now apparently, she is too. She bought the exact same shoes as me. She is 'in love' with the same bands I've been with since 5th grade. (I'm a freshman in high school.) She acts like she's a liberal and everything, but when I ask her a base question that all Dem's should know, she just evades it.

    She even bought the exact same school supplies as me!

    I know, this is kind of petty, but it's SUPER annoying. Any ideas on how to tell her to back off and get her own style?

  21. yeah, let her read this post

  22. Yah I think almost everyone has that problem,

    I would just be nice about it, or hint around

    you notice it. If you know what I mean?

    Like with the vegetarian thing, be like, oh why did you decide to become

    a vegetarian or something like that

  23. Tell Her to Stop or just change styles EVERYDAY!!

  24. Grow up.You're making a big deal about something so little.  

  25. well copying is the best form of flattery. that's what my mom always says. next time she copies you, tell her that it looks familiar, and that you want her to be herself. she may get mad. but here's somethings you could do instead of getting in a bicker:

    you should ask her to go shopping. when you get to the mall, just look through the clothes, let her get outfits, that she chooses. have her listen to a band you don't necessarily like, she could possibly love it. get her interested in a club, you join it to, after about a week or two tell her you decided to quit because it wasn't your thing, but tell her that shes great at it, and then maybe she will back off, and be able to be herself.

  26. u should talk to ur friend about it, if shes a true friend she will understand.

  27. Just tell her you don;t like it and if she is your friend she should understand.

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