
My best friend said ive changed?

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my best friend who ive been best mates for 4 years just said ive changed but i really havnt !i asked why ive changed and she said becoz the way i act and how i speak to her. and now shes acting all weird with me like she used to say Hiya Hun x and now she just goes hi. its really upseting me becoz i dont wanna looser her !

what can i do?!




  1. People change as they grown up , its probably you just haven't realised.

    Talk to her about it and tell her she means alot to you and you don't want to ruin your friendship, if its hard to talk face to face then maybe you shoudl try on the phone. It might be that you both have changed(grown up) and you both don't realise yourself but the other person

  2. If someone says that, it's normally them who has changed.

    There's many things you can do.

    Pretend to be someone you're not, and be the way she wants you to be.

    Or be yourself, and take it step by step.

    If you lose her as a friend, then she obviously wasn't a good friend.

    Friends stick by you no matter what, friends stand side by side through everything good and everything bad.

    Just be yourself.

    Maybe you're just growing up faster than her, showing you're more mature, and she's being left behind.

    Don't worry, be yourself, friends do grow apart, and you just see that people aren't always what they seem.


  3. people change, but it could be that someone is planting rubbish into her head. It's a typical thing to do when your a girl. I know what you're going through, I've been there not long ago. Just try to be nice to her and stuff and talk to her about this. She'll come around.

  4. i went through this with my best friend, i have been friends with her since like birth! and i'm now nearly 18 but when i was about 16, it just felt like she changed loads towards me and we drifted but once we had our space, we become close again :) you two have become so alike that once one person does something wrong, everything changes so both of you have your space and you'll be fine :) but obviously talk to her about it, don't just not speak to her for days.

  5. Maybe the reason why she thinks your changing is because she's changing. She's probably trying to be less childish and with more sophisticated.Most people are gonna answer to you talk to her and ask about it and that is part of my delema.Try your best and try and think how you acted before. Maybe she thinks you talk less or more,act better or worse.It could be a good change!

    Hope it helps!

  6. honestly speaking, its pretty normal to have that kind of situation since people do change as time pass by. I also experienced that one...I can say based from them that your friend might be shocked to see how you change...she only miss the past you, they way you act and speak before...

    I think the main problem here is that you<i think> spend less time with her than before. If that's the case, then you should approach her and do what you always do together.

    People do change according to their society and to cope up with the people around them. It's really normal since a person meets another group of people as life goes on. I think, because you spend more time with your new friends or got influenced already by the way they act, you lost your old self which your friend really miss...

    I strongly advice you to talk to her and spend more time together as you both do your normal routine like before while coping up with life's changes...

    On the other hand, maybe she's the one who change. If this is the case, then you should also talk to her also.

    I hope you'll not end up like in my case, because even if we already knew each other since kinder, she change a lot last 3 years ago. Even If we talk to each other before, we're not that close anymore.I have my new set of friends while she have her own...I don't want you to be like mine. Because others are stubborn enough refusing to hear others side.

    Good luck...


    I hope you won't loss your friendship....

  7. This happened to me a few days ago, my best friend for the last 8 years told me i had changed, so i asked him why he said that, asking him to be specific, after that i said i was sorry if i has done anything to hurt him and that i would try to control myself with some of the things he said. Then i told him that i thanked him for being straight to me, that it really ment a lot, that he was my best freind and that i loved him like a brother.  Then he said that it was ok, that i knew he felt the same way.

    So, i would just say, be sincere, tell her how you feel, tel her you love her, and work things out  

  8. People around you are more likely to notice a change in you than you are. If she has said out of the blue that you have changed, then chances are is that you actually have. People change a lot, you will continue to change.

    Ask her what she doesn't like about the slightly different you, and see if there is something you would be willing to work on. I am not saying to be someone that you are not, because that isn't right. But perhaps there is a habit you haven't even realised you have picked up that has been bugging her.

    It could be something extremely simple, but you need to find out what it is first before you can actually address the problem.

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