
My bird laid an egg! HELP!?

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My 19 week old bird laid an egg sometime during the night or morning (I found it in the cage when I took off the cover). It had a little crack in it I think she laid it while sitting on her perch and it fell to the floor, however the egg doesn't leak at all, so I don't know. I have (i think) 2 males in another cage, but I don't know how fertilization and stuff like that works in birds so how can I tell if it's fertile or not? I don't really let the birds stay together long enough to really "mate". The girl bird seems to be ignoring it so I took it out of the cage and have been keeping it warm with a hot light I have over it. I've been getting my info from this website which is written by a certified avian specialist who I can tell really cares for the well-being of birds:

But what should I do with the egg just taking the precaution that it is fertile? Help anyone?!




  1. well if it is not with a male it wont be fertilies because there is no sprem pass though to the hen to have a egg so really it is like s*x but am not off down that road but if you no what i mean that is the main thing

  2. Well if you let the males in with the female even for a short time chances are it could be fertilised. If its cracked it may not survive long enough to mature however just to be sure keep it under a warm light and in a dry warm place. Other than that, the information on that site seems to be the best course to follow and seems pretty right. So just follow what they say and you should be right. Cheers, hope you have a chick soon. :-)

  3. a 19 week old bird is too young to breed,,,  just throw the egg away

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