
My blood pressure 162/78?

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Ok so im 20 years old and fairly health but on saturday I had a really very stressful day and ended up bruising my hand pretty good from punching a wall. But anyways I went to get my hand checked and the docs did my blood pressure and the doc got all concerned about these numbers and I agree it is rather high, I dont remember what the bottom usually is but the top is usually 126 and i was just wondering if the stressful day i had would have reason for my high blood pressure though it was about 4 hours after my anger got the best of me which is about 40 mins after the inncodent which pissed me off. But anyways if anyone can give me details or any way from home i can recheck my blood pressure to see if its better, and also if it means anything I have not been feeling very well and have been just sick...thanks for the info




  1. Upper limits of top number normal is 140. Blood pressure fluctuates with stress like you mentioned, diet, and time of day. You should take your blood pressure on a few different occasions todetermine

    if its really high or just cuz you were stressed, but if your stressed all the time then your blood pressure may elevated all the time.

  2. You can usually go to a pharmacy and they have blood pressure machines there.  162/78 is high. Had you taken any thing with caffeine or ephedrine? Sometimes that raises your BP. Try to keep your anger in check and maybe that will help. A regular doctor check up every once in a while won't hurt. Good luck

  3. Apart from it being high due to anger there is another benign reason it could have been high and that is "white coat syndrome where your BP is temporarily high due to the stresses of the seeing the doc/nurse take your BP can cause anxiety levels to rise and your BP to rise also.  True high BP is when it is high everytime you get it checked, this is when you will need further medical attention.  Go see your regular doc or go to the chemist and get another reading.  I bet its normal again.  There is no way you can check BP wothout a machine.

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