
My boyfriend again...?

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Sorry for anyone who already read my last question and told me to get rid of him, but I love my boyfriend and I really want to try to make things better. My last question involved how controlling my boyfriend is and how he makes me feel like I have to do everything he tells me to. I DO like pleasing him, but sometimes it's a pain. Okay so now my problem is that when he gets mad at me, he calls me names. Today I went to class, came home, and called I usually see how work is going. He didn't answer and then texted me a few hours later and said "***** I am working." Now I don't understand why he would get mad, because I call him every day when I get home from class. On Monday his family had a cookout and him and I went to the store to get chips and stuff. I made him mad because I guess I was asking too many questions (not about anything in particular) and he yelled at me in front of everyone! It was so embarrassing when everyone there turned to look at us. I wanted to cry, but I knew I couldn't because he yells at me when I cry. I try so hard not to make him mad, but somehow I always do. I never talk back to him and I never complain about anything. I've been with him for over a year and we're eleven years apart. I really do love him, I just don't know how to NOT make him mad.




  1. he sounds like a complete only 16 but i do know when i guy is going overboard and out of control and youve pretty much explained someone like that right really drop him.its probably easier said then done and it may not even feel better to find someone new but a guy like this is not worth it.hes a jerk who needs to be left alone

  2. wow he sounds like a complete jerk. i know its hard to leave somebody but its so good for u in the long run. just gotta get the strength to dump him! and not look back! u deserve a guy that makes u so happy, and a relationship in which u r respected and so much more.

  3. Okay I was in a similar situation which has actually gotten better. There is nothing wrong with you, it is your boyfriend who seems to have some mental and self esteem issues. What I can suggest to you is to let him know you are not going to put up with it. Let him know how it affects you. One thing I know, is if you continue to put up with it, nothing will ever change. you will become convient to him to vent out his frustrations. If he is unhappy, doesnt mean he should need you to be too. If he doesnt want to get some sort of help or knock it off, I would suggest some tough love. Give him time by himself. End the relationship. Let him know you cannot be in a relationship until he treats you like a human being is that so much to ask. And if he does love you it wont last 24 hours. Absence does make the heart grow fonder....if one does so exist. Good Luck to you.

  4. Sweety this is an abusive man. I dated a man like this and loved him dearly. I always felt when he was abusive torwards me I somehow deserved it and I would try to appease him in every way. I was always trying to not make him mad...just like you. You need to realize that this is not normal behavior and he will NOT change and yes you do love him. But you also need to realize that you deserve so much better. You may love him but you can and will find a man who will love you and treat you like a queen. I realized that the man I so dearly loved, was dangerous when he told me that he can't stand a crazy B**** and he could kill over that. He always made me feel like I was the crazy one......and maybe I was for ever loving him. Do yourself a favor! Run far far away from him. He is dangerous

  5. What he's doing is bordering on abuse (verbal).  Get away from him.  It's not gonna be easy, but it's the best thing for you

  6. Yeah...I believe that you love him. I'm just wondering why you don't love yourself?  If you stay with that man he will wind up hurting you physically. If you stay with this guy he will break your spirit! I'm very sad for you, I'm going to say a prayer for you tonight.God Bless!

  7. uhh that guy really has to go your eleven years apart anyway. hes a jerk off you could get any other guy that treats you 100 times better. get rid of him and find a guy near ur age. like me lol jk but u really do gotta get rid of him.
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