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My bf was recently pulled over with his firend and was arrested. They are 19 and both had bee drinking. Fortunatly my bf was NOT driving. Although he was arrested for underage drinking. He is currently in court about it right now.. My ? is..what can possibly happen? Like they cant take him back to jail can they? He paid his bail and everything. I just wanna know whats the most that can happen. His time to appear in court was 9:00 it is now 11:05...I am really worried..Im kinda a worry freak. Help please..




  1. If he couldn't pay the fine, he may be calling for the money. Some States now suspend drivers licenses for Underage Drinking. He will probably get a fine and perhaps Community Service.

  2. I'm assuming he'll just get a hefty fine, an alcohol/drug class that he must attend, and probation of two years..possibly community service.  That is what I assuming, don't think he will goto jail as he was not driving.  I'm sure what he blew will also play a role, so if it was a really high BAC then he might be in for worse.  The friend on the otherhand probably will get it bad for driving.

  3. I would imagine that he will probably be released after his court appearance.  Minor in possession of alcohol is a pretty minor offense.  If he is a first offender I bet he is probably looking at probation for a period of time that will be determined by the presiding judge.  Beyond that, I would say that he is more than likely in the clear.  Good luck!

  4. Most likely he'll get off with probation, community service or a fine - maybe a combination of these.  

    When he gets home - put a boot in his A$$.  Look around you, see all the problems created by drinking?  IT never works!  If you drink more than a beer or three in any one night - you're not having fun, you're practicing to become a drunk.....  Young people I know drink every night and they say it's no big deal...  right!  The next thing you know they have several DUI's or DWI's and drinking related items on their record.  There goes thousands of career choices right out the window...  Think about that when your little honey gets home!

  5. He will be ok. 1st offense MIP is just a misdemeanor fine in most if not all states.

  6. Don't worry,whatever happens,he can handle it. Maybe he'll learn something from this experience.

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