
My bro says that Michael Phleps...?

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sounds autistic!! agree or disagree? (this is what my bro says, not me. i know he has adhd or w/e)




  1. Is adhd autistic?  If not, then disagree.

  2. If he's autistic then perhaps he can also swim in the ParaOlympics.

  3. michael phelps is a multimillionare athlete. hes an olympic champion that set records which might never be broken. above all he's a WINNER. your brother is probably a nobody. has won nothing and doesnt even need be spoken of in the same sentence as the great champion michael phelps. michael phelps has adhd. tell your lowlife brother to get the facts straight before he opens his worthless mouth.  

  4. autistic or no, he got 8 golden medals.  What your brother did?

  5. Hey

    Tell your bro to....Shut the F up.

  6. um he sounds like a super huge dude with more muscles than he knows what to do with!!!  he's a mega olympian!!  who cares if he's "autistic" sounding???  

  7. He sounds kinda like he may have had hearing problems as a child! He does look odd though!

  8. He has ADHD, but I don't think that affects his voice.

    I disagree.  People have different accents and different ways of talking.  A person might hear your brother talk one day and tell him that he sounds like an autistic 3 year old.

  9. I think it's because he's such a big guy, and he has an underbite or something, so his voice isn't the greatest.  Good thing he doesn't need to speak well to win 8 gold medals in one Olympics.

    So, what has your bro accomplished lately?  :)

  10. THere are varying levels of autism, in some people they can be very functional and the only sign of their autism is a speech impedement, I am not saying that Michael Phelps is or is not autistic though, I doubt he is.

    His teammates call him Gomer, because they say he reminds them of Gomer Pyle...

  11. He was diagnosed with ADHD. This means he was hyperactive as a kid. Lots of kids throughout the ages had trouble paying attention. Even adults have problems focusing or staying awake at a boring long meeting. But today, in order to generate work for psychologists, or minimize work for teachers,  they classify everything as a disease.

    In Michael Phelps's case it doesn't matter what he says or how he says it. His swimming abilities, and Olympic status has him set for life. He will be in better financial shape than most rocket scientists, Ivy league scholars, or Nobel prize winners.

    Phelps was meant to swim, that's all. So what if he's not Einstein. Einstein couldn't swim like Phelps. And Phelps doesn't know physics or tensor calculus like Einstein.  

  12. I know your "bro" and he's a complete tool.

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