
My brother has problems.?

by  |  earlier

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he constantly mutters about sexually interacting with me. It,s really constant and upsessive and gross.




  1. Yeah..your brother has a problem alright.  His behavior is not normal and he needs to be corrected, counseling as well.  You need to tell your parents what has been going on...  When your brother says such things make it a point of telling your parents when he's doing it..hopefully they will catch him in the act.  My advice is not to be alone with him..who knows if he may try to act out what he's been saying...also make sure he can't enter your room when your sleeping.  Maybe you could speak with a school counselor about it or another adult that you trust, that's if your parents don't listen.  

  2. x] um talk to your parents about it? or tell him that what he is doing is not Okay? God is watching too C:;... PLEASE HELP!

  3. I'm not sure if this is an older or younger brother or how old you both are but it is extremely inappropriate and you are right to challenge his behaviour.  If he is an older brother or anyway if he you don't safe enough to challenge him on your own, tell someone close to you who you can trust and you guys can figure out the next step.  Or go to your parents, guardians, school counsellors, anyone who you think could help.  Whatever......TELL SOMEONE.

  4. *throws up a little* Sorry, but your brother has got problems, maybe incest turns him on, you should talk to him about and tell him it is gross and inappropriate and if he doesn't stop, threaten to tell your parents but if he still doesn't stop... TELL THEM!


    p.s if I had a brother like yours I would constantly be throwing up.


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