
My cat is a total nutcase...?

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I've had my 10-month-old cat since she was 6 weeks old and she is flipping insane. She constantly runs around, getting into things and making messes. If I pick her up I usually end up getting bitten (my arm is covered with scars!) Sometimes she'll sneak over and stare at me, then start breathing heavily and launch herself at my arm or leg or any piece of exposed flesh and latch on with her teeth and claws. She also yowls whenever I leave a room.

On the rare occasions that she's cuddly (maybe once or twice a day), she digs her claws into my chest while sucking on my shirt collar. It's pretty cute, despite the pain, and it helps me remember why I love her.

All in all though, she's driving me mad. I am starting school again in the fall and will have a pretty crazy schedule. I am hoping for some advice on how to deal with this behavior. I just got a kitten today in the hopes that maybe having company would help, but so far she seems to hate him. Argh!




  1. Every cat, like every human, is different.  But I believe getting another kitten was a good idea since they WILL get used to each other and probably play like crazy!  Your big kitty is still young and rowdy, which is normal, really.  They do mellow out later especially if they are fixed! Yours thinks you're her mommy, obviously, and when a young cat bites his mom she will yell and give a whack with her paw!  I just dink mine on the forhead with one finger.  This also worked with my son when he was teething and nursing.  Reapeat to yourself: this is just a phase, this is just a phase...

  2. Firstly, if she's not spayed she'll need that done :) Otherwise it just sounds like she's a little free with her claws. Squirt guns and loud noises work well for discouraging biting and scratching. So do cans of pressurized air for the hissing sound. Using a loud angry voice they don't normally hear or a strong "AH!" can work as well, at least it does for my 4 month old. Also try wearing her out with excessive playing like repeatedly throwing toys for her to chase. Most cats will prefer that game to the one involving your leg. As for digging her claws into your chest, just rap her paws when the claws go in and she'll eventually get the message, though it may be a very hard habit for her to break. Most importantly, cats cannot be commanded to cuddle. You'll have to let her tell you when it's okay for a snuggle or you might end up with some more scars. Unfortunately, getting a pet to keep a current pet happy normally doesn't work. Your first kitten probably wasn't looking for a cat play-mate but for *you* to play with her. They'll probably settle in together but you'll still have to work with her on her bad habits.

  3. If you are willing to spend some money on something that might help, you should consider trying the Feliway Comfort Zone Diffuser.  It can be used to ease/prevent multiple behavior problems in cats (see Petco website below).  

    I used it to ease the anxiety for my 6 month old female cat when I introduced her to my newly adopted 1 yr old male cat.  It worked like a charm for my little girl cat!  She became more affectionate towards me and was more receptive to our new cat in the house.  My cats don't need it anymore (they are best friends now), but I am keeping the diffuser just in case I need it again.  (Refills are cheaper than the diffuser+refill set.)  

    From the reviews on Petco, Feliway does not work on some cats, but from your description of the situation I would say it is worth a try!  I suggest that you read the user reviews on the Petco link located below for more information and perspective on its effectiveness.  

    Best wishes!

  4. This is completely normal for a kitten. Kittens are very playful. When she bites you it may be because she is either teething or she is giving you a "love bite".  If you are worried about the furniture I would get her front claws removed.  As far as the other kitten I just got one last year to play with my other cat after my Cat Bean had passed away. At first my Cat didn't care one bit about her but after a couple of weeks they started to get more interested in eachother. I would also maybe take her outside on a harness and leash and maybe let him/her explore. That is if she can behave. All kittens are the same in some ways. But on he other hand some kittens aren't. I give you all the luck I can.

    Hope this helps!

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