I've had my 10-month-old cat since she was 6 weeks old and she is flipping insane. She constantly runs around, getting into things and making messes. If I pick her up I usually end up getting bitten (my arm is covered with scars!) Sometimes she'll sneak over and stare at me, then start breathing heavily and launch herself at my arm or leg or any piece of exposed flesh and latch on with her teeth and claws. She also yowls whenever I leave a room.
On the rare occasions that she's cuddly (maybe once or twice a day), she digs her claws into my chest while sucking on my shirt collar. It's pretty cute, despite the pain, and it helps me remember why I love her.
All in all though, she's driving me mad. I am starting school again in the fall and will have a pretty crazy schedule. I am hoping for some advice on how to deal with this behavior. I just got a kitten today in the hopes that maybe having company would help, but so far she seems to hate him. Argh!