
My cat mojo...........?

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mojo is 2 today, this is my first time actually owning a cat the weird thing is that sometimes i think he bi-polar (lmao) because hes calm for a couple of hours and then when everything is all quite cool calm and collective. he SHOOTS out of my room and and "flies" around the house running everywhere and then like a switch hes OFF and just lazy its funny really when i have friends over




  1. young cats do that my year old female dose it all the time or u could have ghosts lol ;p  

  2. my kitten does this all the time, its just thier way of burning off excess energy. I wouldnt worry about it. Plus, its pretty funny to watch. =)

  3. normal cat behavior.

  4. That's normal for a healthy cat.  When they don't play and act silly, for prolonged periods of time, is when you need to be concerned.

  5. happy birthday mojo! =)

    My kitten is 5 months old and she does the same thing!! lol, i think most cats are like that! :)

  6. My cat will be 3 in Oct. and she has ALWAYS had bursts of energy around 3-4 am!! I'm talkin bout flying through the living room in circles and then bouncing off the couches to whip around the corner and hid until you go find her. They just want to play!

  7. my kitten does the exact same thing and it freaks me out sometimes.  she wud b sitting there acting all innocent and as soon as we meet eyes her tail goes up and she goes flying out of the room. i go chase her to c whats wrong and i see her lying on the ground acting all innocent again. lol i think its funny

  8. Naw, cats do that a lot. My Daisy did that when she was younger.

    Tell Mojo happy b day for me!

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