
My cheesecake won't cook?

by  |  earlier

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I put my cheesecake in the oven at 350, it seemed cooked. Took it out. Put it in the freezer for a couple hours. Went to take a slice, and it wasn't cooked. Put it back in the oven. Still won't cook anymore. Any ideas?




  1. it's obvious your cheesecake wasn't cooked all the way, and trying to cook it more after it has cooled will not work in most cases, so start over and this time check for doneness by sticking toothpick or knife in it, if it comes out clean its done. then do not put in freezer till its cooled at room temperature for half an hour, as it will continue to cook a little after removed from oven.  

  2. thats weird. maybe you aren't baking it at the right temperature. Go buy some at the cheesecake factory. delicious!

  3. umm you put cheesecake in the refridgerator for a few hours..not the oven! when have u had warm cheesecake?

  4. i hate making chesse cake it never cooks for me too!

  5. to much liquid this happened to me once. I put the cheesecake in the oven till pitch black, and was liquid inside. This happened when i made my lucky charm cheesecake

  6. You probably didn't cook it at a high enough temperature or long enough to begin with.  Or, you put it in the fridge while it was still hot and defrosting it created more liquid.  Anyway, don't re-cook it.  Start over.

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