
My chihuahua puppy wont drink!!!?

by  |  earlier

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He's 11 weeks old and he's getting his injections today, but he wont drink unless i put water on my finger then he licks it, he's fine eating and he's quite shy, he also lived with 25 other chihuahua's, pups and adults, and i was wondering if it is because he's scared of being attacked because he may think its some other dogs water even though we have no other pet thanks for your help + add some suggestions




  1. Try him on milk and if this still dosen't work then add some water to his dinner and he should have it all. You might just have a fussy dog that dsosen't like water.

    good luck


  2. First of all ... NEVER give a dog milk.

    Go get some Nutri-Cal supplement. It's carried at most pet stores. Put some on the tip of your finger like you did the water and let the pup l**k it off. This is for low-blood sugar.

    If a pup is handled too much while they're that young, they can go hypoglycemic quickly. Don't let it get worn out. It's a baby and they still need alot of sleep, just like a real baby.

    Be careful about letting the pup around just any people and especially other animals until it's vaccinated. They can even pick up a cold from humans. Be gentle with it.

    Good luck with your little guy!

  3. umm, i STRRONGLYYY suggest you ask your vet and tell him his behavior. my chuiwahwah dog has the same issue and i found out he had low blood sugar :/  we did everything we could to help him but his body was just too week.

    he passed away within a week :(

    we only had him for about three weeks.. he was just a puppy :(

    we miss him terribly :(

    so best of luck SEE YOUR VET!!

    i will pray for you :)

    RIP Max :)

  4. well yeah he might be a little traumatic but you should get a little bowl and put it in your hand filled with water and let her drink and then just put your hand closer to the floor and very slowly not to scare her and if you get really close to the floor grab the bowl gently and very slowly and put it on the floor and just stay with her for a while and treat her very nice and gain her trust even more and give her treats everytime she accomplishes something that you wanted her to accomplish good luck and hope it works

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