
My child keeps screaming?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter is 21 months old, and constantly screams at strangers or just for no reason. (and i mean LOUD)

i hope this is a phase or maybe its teething pain?

I dont want her to end up spoilt or rude, how can i stop this?




  1. is this a recent change of behavior?  I'd take her to your pediatrician and have her evaluated. No one on here is going to be able to diagnose her.

  2. To be honest, not rude, or sarcastic, seriously, i knew a lil boy that age who did very similar things, he turned out to have a case of autism, and that's how he knew to comunicate when he was frustrated. I don't wanna scare u, but check it out.

  3. O its normal lol she is trying to get attention mine dose it as well and at times u want to kick them in the back side and say shut up. but what i found effective every time mine screams loud for no reason ill walk up to her and ask her what she is doing and why then explaine its not good to scream and tell her not to do it again. Yes she dose it again then i pull out the hot sause and sence i started that 2 weeks ago she rarely screams for no reason. Screaming at strangers is very normal because normal strangers want to get right up next to them and tell them there cute of mess with them and the child is going i dont know who you are back up.

  4. It's a phase -- at some point every child figures out that they have a voice, they can use it and they can make it very loud. They also get a lot of attention when they are loud. My son does it, my nephew does it, basically every child I know has gone through it at some point. Don't give your daughter any extra attention because of it, meaning don't yell at her or punish her as this is giving her attention, just calmly say something like, "Please use your inside voice" or "Quiet please, I don't understand you when you yell." Soon enough, she'll get it/grow out of it.

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