
My contacts hurt!!?

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i started wearing contacts in january.

i wear the monthly kind

but after about 6 hours after i put them in they start to sting and my eye waters so much people think im crying. when its bright outside its even worse. every night and every morning i clean each contact for at least 3 minutes BUT THEY STILL HURT THE NEXT DAY!

im getting really fustrated with them and my parents are no help




  1. The person above me answered this question correctly.  It could be caused by all those things, although I suspect protein buildup.  Everyone's eyes make protein, some more than others though.  This protein gets attached to the lenses, making them less smooth (which is why the new ones feel more slimy) and once it's there, it's VERY hard to remove.  Over the time your wear each pair, the buildup will get worse and worse.  There is a special cleaning solution you can buy...I can't for the life of me remember the name of it.  But it is an overnight soaking solution, and it's main ingredient is a type of peroxide.  It comes with a little tube shaped case, which has special baskets inside to keep the lenses suspended.  When you put the lenses into the solution, it bubbles, and it cleans the lenses a lot better than typical saline based solutions, like Renu.  Also, be sure that when you are cleaning with your regular solution, that you are rubbing the lense, not just soaking it.  My suggestion though, is that you revisit your doctor.  Ask them about this type of solution, and see if they recommend trying it first.  If it doesn't fix the problem, it may be necessary for you to switch to weeklys or even dailies.  Just remember that the protein buildup will damage your eyes if left unchecked, because it restricts the oxygen getting through the lense, therefore blocking needed oxygen to your eye.  So definitely try to get this taken care of.  Good luck!

  2. You need to go back to your eye doctor, something is wrong.

    several things could be  happening... dry eyes, too much protein build up or may be a bad fit or you may need to switch brands of cl's but go see your eye dr.

  3. have you been to your opthamologist??

    maybe you have a bad reaction to the cleaning solution??

    the only time mine sting is when i have put hand cream on and then put them in(even though i wash my hands cream takes forever to be absorbed by my skin)

    maybe go for the fortnightly lenses but it will be more expensive

  4. Best bet is to see your optometrist as soon as possible, the contact lenses/ solution may not be good to your eyes and it may sound strange but you could be over cleaning them? if its possible. definitely see your optometrist though because this is a problem that cant be fixed alone! also with the slimy thing.. you may have very dry eyes.. if you cant see the optometrist soon maybe get some eye drops.. but if you do make sure they are contact safe!
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