
My crazy Dream!!!?

by  |  earlier

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last night i had a dream my brother and i were outside. We were playing a game and i hid behind a fence, when i came out ther was a bike and it was like someone was riding it but there was no one on it. I dont know why but i knew it was my little brother riding the bike. So i began to chase the bike and then it fell over. For some odd reason that was horrible to me. I ran over to the bike hoping my brother would reappear but he didnt. Then i thought maybe i could still feel him even though i couldnt see him so i frantically searched through the dirt and he was just gone. I knew something terrible had happened i just didnt know what. I began to cry and screamed out for help a blonde women in a SUV stopped to help me then i woke up. What could this dream mean???




  1. It's probably just another crazy dream, don't worry.  Most likely thing is, it doesn't mean anything, it's just your imagination getting the best of you.

    The other day my Mom was telling me about a dream she had like this about her sister.  It's a good lesson to learn, especially when you fight a lot, because you never know how much you love your siblings until you loose one.

    Don't worry too much about it, it's probably just one of God's little lessons to you. (:

  2. i think that mean your brother will died soon or something, i don't know
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